Chapter 22: Carnage In Gotham City

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3rd POV:

In Batcave.

The Batcave is the secret headquarters of Batman, consisting of a series of subterranean caves beneath the residence of his secret identity, Bruce Wayne

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The Batcave is the secret headquarters of Batman, consisting of a series of subterranean caves beneath the residence of his secret identity, Bruce Wayne.

Discovered and used long before by Bruce Wayne's ancestors as a storehouse as well as a means of transporting escaped slaves during the Civil War era, Wayne himself rediscovered them when he fell through a dilapidated well on his estate. Much like Superman's Fortress of Solitude, the Batcave serves as a place of privacy and tranquility where Batman can be himself.

Upon his initial foray into crime-fighting, Wayne used the caves as a sanctum and to store his then-minimal equipment. As time went on, Wayne found the place ideal to create a stronghold for his war against crime and has incorporated a plethora of equipment as well as expanding the cave for specific uses.

The cave is accessible in several ways. It can be reached through a secret door in Wayne Manor itself, which is located in the main study, behind a grandfather clock. The panel unlocks when the hands of the clock are set to the time that Bruce Wayne's parents were murdered: 10:48. Alternately, the study entrance has been shown to be behind a bookcase which slides to the side when a secret button is pushed, revealing the "Bat-Poles," which allow Bruce Wayne and his ward to change into their Batman and Robin costumes en route as they slide down to the cave. There is also an entrance under Bruce Wayne's chair in his office in Wayne Enterprises, as shown in Batman Forever. In Batman Begins the cave is accessible through a secret door disguised as part of a large display case and unlocked by pressing a sequence of keys on the nearby piano.

Batman: "Deceased...." He said to himself and make him was sat on the chair by himself and he was typing his hands at the computer from the machine and then he tries to searching up the name of (Y/N) (L/N) Napier...Son of Joker. When he was searching it up and he didn't seen anything but there was no data comes from (Y/N)...and he saw there was an image of (Y/N)...Missing and Wanted.

Batman: "So he was run away....and I wonder what happened to him?" He ask himself and make him want to know about (Y/N) more that he was going to type more and tries to searching out more details of Napier family. Then he was still sat there and tries his best to searching out for the family and nothing....just deceased and make him was sigh out and he was got a flashback in his own mind that he remembered about (Y/N)'s word.

In Flashback.

Batman: "Y-You did this?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yes, I did....cause I did for the Gotham city....and you weren't a hero for what I seen about....why did you kept him alive? Was it worthy for my own father?" He asked Batman.

Batman: "Father? W-What? You're-"

(Y/N): "Yes, I am his son...Joker's the way I kill those psychopaths and villains are in the city and won't stand on my way." He said to Batman.

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