Chapter 23: The Devil & Thief Cat

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3rd POV:

Previously Of Scream: The Devil.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "Shut the fuck up, Batman! You don't know about what we did back there! But you are going to stand down and leave us alone!" He said to Batman and make the Masked Cape Detective throw the batarangs at (Y/N).

When (Y/N) seen this and make him dodge but he got hit and he got slash in the right arm and he was seen this and growling at Batman.

When (Y/N) seen this and make him dodge but he got hit and he got slash in the right arm and he was seen this and growling at Batman

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(Y/N)/Carnage: "You are dead, motherfucker." He said to him and then he was going to have a fight at Batman and beat the shit out of Batman won't even tries to fight against at (Y/N) and then (Y/N) just give Batman a lesson for what he wasn't gonna messes with (Y/N). 

When (Y/N) was charge toward at Batman and then he gave him a powerful hit but Batman dodge out of the way and he use his tactical move like he tries to doing his martial art with fighting style and fighting at (Y/N). Then Batman's fists and kicks won't even dare to hitting at (Y/N) and make him was stood right there and he wasn't heavily injure and then (Y/N) was gave Batman a real backhanded and send him to the wall of the building and make him fall down on the ground.

Batman was cough bloods out of his mouth and then he was tries to get up and then he was got his body was wrapping around by (Y/N)'s tendrils around him and then the red devil was lifting him up from the ground and the Caped Detective turn his head back to look at (Y/N) with his Carnage form.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "Let's play the game!!!!!!!!!" He shout out at Batman and make him was swung Batman to the walls of the warehouse's building and make him was slamming him anywhere and then (Y/N) slam him to the top ceiling. Then he was thro Batman to the other room and send the motherfucker to the ground and make him was tries to moving away from here and then Batman tries to moving up there and then he is breathing out little bit and he was unconscious that he is still alive.

 Then he was thro Batman to the other room and send the motherfucker to the ground and make him was tries to moving away from here and then Batman tries to moving up there and then he is breathing out little bit and he was unconscious that he is s...

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(Y/N)/Carnage: "Where do you think your going?" He asked Batman who was crawl out but he got grabbed by (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Carnage: "Where do you think your going?" He asked Batman who was crawl out but he got grabbed by (Y/N)

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