Chapter 10: Sweet Revenge/Joker's Death

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

When (Y/N) was done slaughtering all of these motherfuckers out by himself and then (Y/N) was letting out a breath and make him feeling hunger and eating more of these prisoners that he just kill and take them out. Then his tentacles begin to whipping and slashing also rip with tear them all apart off and (Y/N) slashing the other prisoners with his Blades and took many of them out by himself.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "Now...our father is up there and we are going to kill him." He said to himself and make him was walking up there right away and then he was been reaching to the upstairs and then he saw there were three prisoners who were got out of the cells and make him saw them. The three killers...and these son of bitches for what they did to his own mother...Jeannie and these three killers who notices at (Y/N) in his Carnage form.

Kyle Moeby, Ash Zero, and Marshall Dennis.

(Y/N)/Carnage: "You three....Guilty!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and let out a roar up there right away.

Guilty!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and let out a roar up there right away

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(Y/N)/Carnage: "*ROAR*"

Kyle/Marshal: "W-What the fuck is that thing?!?" They both shout out in shock and surprises.

Ash: "SHIT!!!!! RUN!!!!!!!!!" He shout out and the three fools who were running away from here and they both tries to getting away from here by themselves and then (Y/N) was chasing at them very fast and fast also (Y/N) use his tentacle stabbed Marshall on the leg and make him was screaming out. Then he throw Marshall to Ash and make the two of them fall down on the ground and when Kyle got his gun and begin to shooting at (Y/N) and make him was walking toward to Kyle and he use his claws stabbed at Kyle in the chest and keep stabbing at him in 6 times.

When (Y/N) was throw Kyle up and make (Y/N) use his right arm shapeshift as an Axe and he slash his axe at Kyle's body and ripped torso apart off and make the others who were screaming out in fear and then (Y/N) turn his head to look at the two of them.

When (Y/N) was throw Kyle up and make (Y/N) use his right arm shapeshift as an Axe and he slash his axe at Kyle's body and ripped torso apart off and make the others who were screaming out in fear and then (Y/N) turn his head to look at the two of...

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