Chapter 4: The Investigating Crime

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3rd POV:

In Titan's Tower.

The Teen Titans was heading back to their own Tower cause they both were witnesses the horror of action back there and the killing from this red creature....Carnage....whatever it is called himself...he took down the three villains....he killed Mammoth, See-More, and three villains only left was...Jinx, Kyd, and Billy Numerous.

Beast Boy: "Dude, did you guys just seen that back there?!?" He said to Cyborg.

Cyborg: "Yeah, beast boy....that was massacre for those three back there." He said to him and then others were kind of sad and they both were felt horror and except for Raven who was thinking about back there and she saw the creature...and she was sense the power and aura comes from the creature and it was killing those three villains and tear them apart off with his bare hands.

Raven: "*What is he? I never felt sense and power comes from this creature.*" She thought herself and then Robin who was typing his computer and tries to search out for what the creature was back there and then he tries to find out about it. Then Robin was searching some breaking news about the killing of....the devil attack back there and when Robin seen there was a lot of newspapers about 34 victims or bad criminals were torn, bites, stabs, and lot of claw marks in this city.

Robin: "Christ.....Guys, take a look at this." He said to them and make them both were walk over there and then they both were seen the whole things that they just saw and it was looks like mass murders on the newspapers for what they gonna find. When Starfire seen this and make her put her hands on her mouth and she tries to look away cause she seen there was dead bodies on the newspapers and title with the beast...and animal attack.

Starfire: "My god

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Starfire: "My god...." She said in surprise.

Cyborg: "Jesus...Did that thing was the same one who killing those victims in this world?" He asked Robin the leader.

Robin: "Well, yeah....It showing up at 15 weeks later and now it is here for killing and more consume to bites and then another newspaper showing up for the Teen Titans saw...three dead bodies of Black Mask in the alleyway and the other body was shot and the last survivor was live."

Beast Boy: "Whoa...he killed three bad guys in the is he a hero or villain? Cause we just saw that thing...killed three villains and ripped them into pieces for Christ's Sake!!!!!!!!!" He shout out.

Robin: "I don't know what that thing is...but that thing looks like dangerous as Plasmus back there...but whatever it is...we need to investigating about it. I'm gonna having a words with Batman and the rest of heroes." He said to them.

Robin: "You guys going to find the creature out there at night....and I will stay here until I have a words with the Batman." He said to them.

Cyborg: "Sure, Robin. We got this situation." He said.

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