Chapter 5: Plasmus V.S Carnage

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3rd POV:

At Night.

When Cyborg was take the team members to the investigation around the Jump city and they both were got a mission to do is finding the red creature...Carnage and that's what Robin want them to find this monster and stop it for the massacre and killing the villains....Right, he was killing some bad guys and villains for crimes...and they were choose their own death for what they were deserves.

Beast Boy: "Any sign of him, Cyborg?" He asked him.

Cyborg: "I can't find him in this signal computer....there's no freaking Wi-Fi in this Jump City, Beast Boy." He said to him.

Beast Boy: "Great, so we can't find him!" He said to himself.

Cyborg: "Don't blame me...I'm trying to find the target around here without the WiFi...but I need it is work like this, man." He said to him and make him was sigh out and then Starfire who was sat beside with Raven and then the sorcerer who was sat there and she tries to understand about what happened back there. But then she was tries to reading this creature's mind...but something else was blocking at her...and she had no idea what it is blocking at her doing and all she had to do is find out about this situation.

Raven: "*What are you?*" She thought herself.

Starfire: "Friend Raven, what are you thinking on your mind right now?" She asked Raven.

Raven: "I don't know...but I was thinking about the creature." She said to Starfire and make the alien princess was sigh out and she doesn't want to talk about it.

Raven: "Okay, I wish to stop the talking about the the way....Cyborg. Have you just found anything yet?" She asked them and make Cyborg told her that he really got this but he didn't find anything at it.

Cyborg: "No...I don't find anything yet, Raven. So what else do you got?" He asked her and make her tries to use her power and she was tries to find the target out there in this city and make her was definitely going to use her power. Then she was sense it...and she definitely sense it far away from here and make her was look over there and then she saw there was a signal comes from the other side of the building and make her was definitely find it.

Raven: "I find it!" She said to them and make them both were surprise and then she was showing them a way to get there right away and then Cyborg was following at her going and when they both got there fast as they could. Then they both found the city was alright...but there was a poor apartment over there and when they just got here right on the time and then they were thinking this apartment really need to fixing it perfectly.

Raven: "Alright, I'm going inside the building and search anything for what I just found." She said to them and then she said more.

Raven: "You guys going on out there somewhere else and find alright?" She asked them and make them nod their heads and they both were walk off and just doing their own duty right away. Then Raven went inside the poor apartment where the building that she just got inside there right away and make her was begin to walk off to the building and she was chilling by herself and she just going to need find anything else in there...find the creature was in there.

After the searching for the creature and it wasn't hide there and make her was walk over there and then she was bumped into someone and she was fall down on the ground and then a figure who was surprise and he said.

???: "Oops, I'm sorry...I didn't mean to see you were there. Are you quiet alright?" He asked her.

Raven: "Yes, I'm fine...but thanks for-" She tries to said before she was looking up at the person who was stood right there and this make her was blushes up to seen him who was handsome as hell and cute too....this person was revealed out to be (Y/N).

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