Chapter 19: Terra (Lemon)

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3rd POV:

Back to (Y/N).

After (Y/N) kill Deathstroke and make him was finally done with this motherfucking assassin and he was start to ate Deathstroke alive by himself and all everything for what he was consume him and then (Y/N) was feeling overpowered after he just consume the body of Deathstroke and when (Y/N) was turn his head to look at the sky and then he was let out a terrifying roar up to the sky.

After (Y/N) kill Deathstroke and make him was finally done with this motherfucking assassin and he was start to ate Deathstroke alive by himself and all everything for what he was consume him and then (Y/N) was feeling overpowered after he just co...

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(Y/N)/Carnage: "*ROAR*"

When (Y/N) was roaring up like that and make him was keep roaring up and feeling more powers what consuming at him and then (Y/N) was done with the roaring and make him was going to fall but he was kneel down on the ground. Then (Y/N) just transform back to his own human form and after he was become his own human form with his clothes on and he was breathing and gasps out.

Beast Boy: "Dude, you're alright?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I-I-I-I'm fine..." He said to Beast Boy and make him giving him a smile and then Raven who help (Y/N) from the ground and then he was walking with her and make him turn his head to look at Terra who was stood right there and amaze.

(Y/N): "There....that fucking piece of shit...won't bothering you again, are free to go." He said to her and make her felt tears and cries out and then (Y/N) smiled at her and then he put his hand on her head and patting at her and make him was smile at her and he said.

(Y/N): "No need to thank me....I did what I can do is saving you're Beast Boy's friend...and you won't betrayed at him." He said to her and make Terra who was smile happily and then Beast Boy who was happy to seen (Y/N) who giving Terra a chance and giving her to join up as the Teen Titan member.

Time Skip Later.

In Titan's Tower.

After the Teen Titans were got back to the Titan's tower and then (Y/N) with Terra were return back and they both were tired...and (Y/N) who was sat on the chair by himself and make him was drinking the water and he is breathing out little bit and he was tired for what he just going through. When (Y/N) just sat there and chilling little bit and make him put his hand through his hair and he was thinking about being himself as a hero...but more like son of the a villain for what he really was.

Terra: "Hey, you alright?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I'm fine....I just have a headache like a lot." He said to her.

Terra: "Okay....just make sure that you were just sit there like quiet. A-A-Anyway...I just want to tell you something....can we go to your room?" She asked (Y/N) and make him was nod his head to her and he said.

(Y/N): "Alright, we can get there." He said to her and then the two of them were walking up to (Y/N)'s room right away and make the two of them were going inside the room and before the door was closed but (Y/N) turn around and meet by Terra who kisses him in the lips. When (Y/N) is surprise to seen him got kisses by Terra and make her push (Y/N) down on the bed and then she was kissing at him.

Then the two of them were take their clothes off and they both become nudes.

(LEMON SMUT WARNING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Terra wasn't wearing anything but her panties.

(Y/N): "Terra, you're naked."

Terra: "Come on, I know you want to touch them" she grabs his hands and put them on her boobs.

(Y/N) started to suck on her left boob.

Terra moan softly.

Terra pushed him on his back unbuttoning your pants.

Terra: "Wow your big." She started to lick up and down on it.

Terra: "You like that, Honey?"

(Y/N) nod she started to suck on it going deeper every up and down.

(Y/N): "Terra, I'm about to cum."

She started going faster until he came down her throat.

Terra: "Mmmm, you taste good." Terra started to take off her panties and getting ready to insert it.

(Y/N): "Terra, are you sure you want to do this?" He asked her.

Terra: "Yes, I want you inside me." She started pushing down on it.

Terra started to bounce up and down. Her walls were closing in and the end of her womb.

(Y/N): "Terra, I'm about to cum."

Terra: "Cum inside me please, (Y/N)"

(Y/N) came inside Terra and cum started to check out.

Terra: "Leave it in there for a little longer."

(ENDING LEMON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

When the two of them were laying on the bed by themselves and then they both breathing out and then hugging together and (Y/N) ask her.

(Y/N): " your regular name?" He asked her.

Terra: "Actually I have a real Tara." She said to (Y/N) and make him was surprise and he was chuckle to her and he said.

(Y/N): " sound like you have my real girlfriends' name." He said to her.

Terra: "Really?"

(Y/N): " the way she decide to share with me and you also other girls too." He said to her and make her smile up and happy.

To Be Continued.

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