Chapter 12: The Reunion Of Tamaran Sisters

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3rd POV:

In 8 Days Later.

When the breaking new all over on the world about Arkham Asylum was blow up and all everything was falling down and no prisoners and wardens....all of them were killed inside the Arkham Asylum and nobody else was alive and then they both were been slaughter by the strange red creature was showing up in the Arkham Asylum. Then they both saw the devil...and the monster was stood right there and killing many of these motherfuckers by himself...and they showing the video recording of (Y/N) with his Carnage form and he was the devil who scare all every evils and bad guys that they tries to killing an innocent people.

Reporter: "What or who is he? Is he a threat or hero? We'll find out." He said to the camera and after the TV was shut down.

Robin: "Well, they think you are threat." He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Probably it is....I am a real threat to them." He said to Robin and then there was Robin, (Y/N), and Starfire with Raven that the four of them were inside the restaurant that they both just chilling by themselves. Then (Y/N) was sat there and he was holding a cup of coffee and make him was drinking it by himself and he said to Robin.

 Then (Y/N) was sat there and he was holding a cup of coffee and make him was drinking it by himself and he said to Robin

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(Y/N)'s New Clothes.

Robin: "So...what are you going to do right now?" He asked (Y/N).

(Y/N): "I guess....I'm going to stay with you guys in the Titan's tower from now on." He said to Robin.

Robin: "Well yeah, the way...I'm glad that you kill the clown and I am proud of you with got your own revenge for your mother and your own father." He said to (Y/N) and make him was sigh out little bit and Robin put his hand on the shoulder and shook little bit. Then (Y/N) was hanging out with Robin, Raven, and Starfire so...they both went out to the Jump City and Cyborg with Beast Boy were heading to the carnival by themselves causes they both were waiting for (Y/N) and others need to get there.

(Y/N): "Hmmm..." He said to himself and when he felt his shoulder lean by someone and make him was turn his head to look at Raven who is smile and she lean her head on (Y/N) and he was smile at her.

Raven: "Huh...this is nice." She said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Yep, probably...I love it between us." He said to her and then (Y/N) was sat there and drinking the coffee cup little bit and Robin was told (Y/N) that they need to heading out right away and then they both were going. When Starfire seen this and she saw (Y/N) was put his arm around Raven's waist and this make her jealous and then she went toward to (Y/N) and wrap her arms around at (Y/N)'s right arm and then she was claiming (Y/N) to be her and then Raven seen this and make her was growl and she want to do the same thing too.

Robin: "(Y/N), you are a sly dog you know just get the girls attention to look at you.~" He said to (Y/N).

(Y/N): "Dude, shut the hell up." He said to Robin and when they both went to the carnival and they both start to doing more fun around here in this carnival....and (Y/N) was playing with the two girls and he showing them how they both were doing it right away. When (Y/N) just show the girls about how he really do and showing what the way of the girls must do...and they can get the prizes right away.

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