Chapter 20: The Savior

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3rd POV:

Back to Jinx.

Jinx: "*Breathing*" She was breathing out and she was been running and keep running fast as she could and she was get away from Brother Blood who was tries to hunt her down and then she was keep running fast as she could and she wasn't stop until she need to get away from Brother Blood. When she was running and keep running fast as she could and then she just stepping up to the other ways from the Jump City and make her keep running and not gonna stop and then she was stop running and make her was breath out little bit.

Jinx was kneel down on the ground and she is breathing out little bit and make her was turn her head to look around and she know Brother Blood was killed her because she disobey his orders.

Jinx: "Damnit....I have nowhere else to go." She said to herself and make her was breathing out little bit and she was felt raining and all waters all over at herself and make her gritting her teeth and she said.

Jinx: "I should known that bastard tries to kill me...he doesn't care about my members and friends...I-I-I-I wish that son of bitch going to hell where he belong to." She said to herself.

Jinx: "I-I-I-I'm sorry, guys....I should be the one who blame myself." She said to herself and she was laying there for awhile and when she heard there was a footsteps coming to here right away and make her was open her eyes out and she was heard the footsteps coming. Then she was turn her head to look over there and she saw there was a figure person who walking here and he was holding the umbrella with his right hand and he was walking toward to her where she is laying on the ground with waters all over her.

Jinx was look up at the person who give her an umbrella when she was look up and she saw the figure who was revealed to be himself is....(Y/N) who dressing normal casual outfit by himself and holding the umbrella for her.

(Y/N) who dressing normal casual outfit by himself and holding the umbrella for her

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(Y/N)'s Outfit

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(Y/N)'s Outfit.

(Y/N): "Are you alright, miss? You need help?" He asked her.

To Be Continued.

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