Chapter 36 - Noa Collins

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The rest of the vampires also start to gather around the breakfast table as i arrive into the kitchen with Drew and Kevin. There sits a blonde vampire i don't know yet, they turn to look at me and get up to greet themself. "Hey, i'm Noa Collins. The oldest of the boys", Noa says, i tell him my name and we shake hands. 

"Good morning everyone! Oh, i haven't met her yet!" an old vampire woman says walking into the room. "I am Ade, the boys granny", she says but not like everyone else, she does not shake hands with me but instead gives me a semi warm smile. Just then aunt Ada walks in with Xavier, Xavier does not react to me in any way but sits down by the table next to his mother. 

I sit down next to Drew, and just then Lucifer and Darew arrive, both greeting me with a happy smile and a hello. They sit down and start eating, later than others so they have the left outs. 

After breakfast i leave the kitchen and am about to go up the stairs when Xavier stops me. I feel somehow uncomfortable as he greets himself as Xavier. He smells weird.. Like yes clean but somehow like if metal bands would make perfume. 

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