Chapter 1

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I managed to get down the stairs without tripping to go to breakfast. My brother had already made breakfast, and my sister was drinking a cup of coffee at the counter. Every since our parents died in a car crash when I was 13, my sister took care of me and my brother, even though my brother mostly watched over me due to my sister's busy schedule.

My sister's name is Lilly, and she's 26. My brother's name is Luke he's 17. My name is Ashley, I am 17. Me and Luke are twins.

My parents said that they named me after my aunt that passed away when she was 7. My dad and my aunt were really close.

My brother looks like my dad did when he was his age, tall with brown hair and blue eyes. He's the guy that all the girls want to date and all the guys want to be, captain of the football team.

My sister looks like the perfect mixture of our parents, with our dad's blue eyes and our mom's strawberry blonde hair. My sister was a cheer captain, and let's just say she can be a complete bitch sometimes.

While I'm the youngest and the "outcast". I have my dad's blue eyes and hair, brunette and straight. I'm not really popular but I hang out with people that are. People always try to compare me with my siblings and I will argue with them because I we aren't like each other.

"Morning sis." Luke said as I entered the kitchen.

"Hm? Oh Morning Luke." I replied.

"Hey guys I have to run to New York for work, the director for Paper Towns needs me to work as the stylist for the movie. I might not be back for a couple of weeks. Luke you're in charge, Ashley listen to him. Our nice neighbor Susan will be checking on you guys once a week." Lilly explained

"Yeah yeah we know." Luke and I said at the same time the laughed. Lilly always said the same thing every time she would go somewhere for work.

"And this time if you throw a party don't break any thing, we don't been another window broke again!"

"Lilly, trust me you would have laughed, Jake thought there was nothing there cause he was drunk and he ran through it." Luke said laughing.I try not to burst out laughing.

"Love you guys I better go my plane leaves at noon and it's already 11:30" Lilly said giving us both hugs.

"Bye." Me and Luke said to Lilly as she walked out the house

{Their house above}


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