Chapter 23

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After I Ash dropped me off I went back into my room. Surprisingly Luke was still there.

"Hey." I said walking into my room.

"Hey, babe." he said.

"Your sister saw you today in my bed."

"WHAT?! What did you tell her?" He asked nervously.

"That you got drunk after school and came home with me." I said.

"Okay good." he said walking over and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"I feel bad that we are doing this behind her back." I said.

"Yeah but you know what Jake is the one the dumped you and you came to our house and I was the only one there." he said.

"I know." I said turning around in his arms.

"I like you." he said smiling. He has a beautiful smile.

"I like you too." I said smiling.

"I like you a lot." he said

"And I like you a lot too." I said and then he grabbed my face and kisses me.

When Luke kissed me it was different from when Jake would. It was better.

"I'll be back in 10 minutes" he said running down stairs.

After 10 minutes I had gotten ready for bed cause I was tired and it was almost midnight. Luke came into my room.

"Here! I got you this." he said handing me a Starbucks drink.

"Thanks." I said smiling and he stood there looking at me.

"Umm. could you look at what's on the cup?" He asked so I looked.

I was smiling so big I couldn't talk so I nodded my head and he ran over and gave me a giant kiss.

The cup had said,
"I know you love Starbucks, and I love you.
Will you be my girlfriend?"

After that Luke stayed over and we fell asleep cuddling.

I know what you guys think. Me and Jake just broke up, and that Luke is my best friends brother. Truth is I've always had a crush on him.

I woke up to Luke pulling me closer to him.

"Morning." I said.

"Morning girlfriend."

"I think we have to tell Ash today about us."

"Okay, get ready and I'll drive us back to my house. Tell her to meet us at the house."

"Okay." I said getting up walking to the closet.

After I got ready we drove to his house.

"ASH?!" Luke yelled.

"In the kitchen." she yelled back. We walked into the kitchen to see her cooking eggs.

"Morning." I said.


"Um sis, I - uh we need to tell you something." Luke said.

"Yes?" She asked.

"Um well me and Luke are dating now." I said.

"What?! What happen to you and jake?" She asked.

"Well me and jake broke up a few days ago and I came over here but you were at Tate's. Luke saw me and I was crying and he tried to cheer me up. I didn't tell you yesterday because I didn't want to ruin our girls day. But last night Luke asked me out and I said yes." I said.

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