Chapter 22

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I woke up and Tate was still asleep. I check the time and it was already 11:37. I got up and Tates mom was gone she must have went to work. I was walking down the hall when I heard some noise coming from kitty's room.

I walked into kitty's room to see her playing with some toys.


"Hey kitty." I said sitting down.

"What you doing." she asked.

"I was about to go home to change."

"Can I come?"

"Yeah I guess I'll just have to tell Tate." I said getting back up.

"Can you pick me an outfit out?" She asked. I noticed she was still wearing her pjs.

"Yeah." I said walking into her closet.

I picked her out a little dress that had navy blue and white strips on top and then the skirt part was all navy blue. I grab some of her little navy blue shoes with a bow on the toes.

"Here you go, Kitty." I said hanging her the clothes.

"Thank you."

I walked back into Tates room.

"Hey Tate." I said.


"Me and Kitty are going to go to my house and then go shopping with Jade."

"Okay. I have to do something's with The boys anyways so have fun." he said.

"Okay. love you bye."

"Love you too." he said giving me a kiss.

I walked back into kitty's room to see her ready.

"Can you braid my hair?" She asked and I nodded and started doing her hair.

"Okay let's go." I said grabbing her hand.

I got a car set out of the garage and put it in my car and sat Kitty in it. We drove to my house and Luke's car was missing. Nobody was home. Kitty and I went to my room and I changed into a navy blue shirt and striped shirts.

"Wanna pick out my shoes?" I asked

"Yeah." she said running over to my shoes

"These!" She said pointing at navy blue desert wedges. I walked over and put them on

"Ready to go shopping?" I asked Kitty which he responded to a excited nod.

I walked back out to my car and drove to Jades house and just walked in. We walked up to Jades room and I walked in.

"Jade we are here." I said looking around.

"Uh un oh okay." she said sounding nervous.

"Who's that?" I asked pointing to the blob under the cover.

"A pillow." she replied.

"Sure it is." I said walking over to her bed.

"It is!"

"Or is it Jake?" I asked. I moved the cover and didn't see Jake.

"OH MY GOD!" I said seeing my brother passed on in her bed.

"Why is he here?" I asked.

"He got drunk after school and so he came home with me." she said.

"Did you guy, umm you know?" I asked.

"NO! NO! EW NO!" Jade said.

"Okay. Well anyways me and Kitty are here to pick you up to go shopping."

"Kitty?" She asked confused.

"Tates little sister."


"Kitty come here." I said walking over to Kitty who was looking at the tv that had Teen Titans Go! On.

"Okay." she said running over.

"Kitty this is Jade." I said.

"Hi Jade." she said smiling.

"Hi Kitty." Jade said.

"Kitty do you want to help pick out her outfit?" I asked her.

"Yeah." she said. I picked Kitty up and walked over to the closet and Jade went and took a shower.

"This." Kitty said pointing at a a white shirt and some shorts.

"Okay." I said sitting the clothes on Jades chair.

"Now her shoes." I said.

"Here." Kitty said handing some gold sandals. For a 4 in a half little girl she's really smart and knows how to pick out food outfits. I'm impressed.

Jade came out and got the outfit we picked out.
We walked back into the bathroom and changed.

"Ready?" I asked picking Kitty up.

"Yep." Jade said grabbing her phone.

We drove to the mall and got some food first cause we all hadn't ate yet. After eating we went to a few stores and bought some clothes for me and Jade.

We headed into a few kid stores. That was the Biggest mistake ever. I'll will end up spending $300 in kid clothes. I swear they all are so cute I just want them all for Kitty so she will have really cute outfits.

We left the mall and Jade only let me spend $150 for Kitty and I spent $350 on me. I took Kitty home cause her mom was back and then dropped Jade off at her house. Today was fun.


Sorry about this chapter sucking. I've had really bad writers block and so this is probably a fast and sucky chapter. I'll try to make another chapter soon that better so it can make up for it.

I'm not sure when this story is going to end I'm think maybe on chapter 25 or 30. But when I end this then I'll make another book, not sure about what it's going to be about. Maybe give ideas.

Please tell me what you think! Please vote and comment it would mean a lot!!! XD


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