Chapter 16

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I woke up and my phone was on my desk, Dylan must have put it there. I check it I had 5 texts from Tate and 10 miss calls from him. I just left it on my desk and got dress. I need a change.

"Hey Jade, will you and Charlie take me to the salon?"

"Yeah sure we will be over in 10."

I walked into the salon.

"Ashley! How are you?" Susan one of my sister friends that worked there asked.

"Fine. I was wondering can you do my hair."

"Yes sure what do you want done?"

"I want it blonde."

"Are you sure? That's a big change."

"I'm sure." I said sitting in the chair.

Charlie and Jade went and we're getting there nails done. After a long time of having my hair being messed Susan was finally done.

"Done." she said.

"Wow. I love it. Thanks Susan." I said giving her a hug.

"You guys done?" I asked Jade and Charlie.

"Yeah." Jade said

"Wow you hair." Charlie Said.

"I like it." Jade and Charlie said at the same time.

"Thanks, now we are going to the tattoo parlor." I said walking out.

We got in the car and drove to the tattoo parlor. Im going to get another tattoo and nose pieced. This is the change I want.

We walked in.

"Ashley! Your back!" Michael said


"Well Roxy is back in her room you can go back there."

"Ash we are going to go he have to met Zach at his house." Charlie said smiling when she said Zachs name

"Oh okay."

"Ashley I drew up the tattoo you wanted. where do you want it?"



It had been an hour and a half and Roxy was finally done with the tattoo and she had just pierced my nose.

"Thanks Roxy."


I walked out and called a cab after I payed them. I had the cab drop me off at home. I walked inside and the whole living room was full of flowers. I picked up a card that was with some flowers and read it.

"Dear Ashley,

It's not what it looked like, Ally and Ethan set it all up I would never cheat on you I care and love you so much I wouldn't want to hurt you, but I guess I already did and I'm sorry. Please forgive me. I miss you and would love to talk to you. Will you please meet me at my dads dinner tonight at 6:30, I'll be there waiting for you.

- Tate."

I feel bad, it makes sense that they set that all up. I guess I let Tate tell his side of his story. Its was already 5:30. I need to go get ready if I'm going to go talk to him. surprisingly nobody has been home or over at my house.

I went up stairs and changed into a black shirt dress with the back being laced. My hair was already curled because of Susan.

I grab my keys and drove to his dad's dinner. I looked in the window before I walked In and i saw his sitting in the back in a booth by himself.

Just don't get mad about what's about to happen. Nobody dies just for you to know. Sometime good is going to happen I promise.

^^That's Ashley's new look and her tattoo.^^

Please tell me what you think! Please vote and comment it would mean a lot!!! XD


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