Chapter 19

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What's better then waking up to the smell of bacon and eggs? Well waking up next to your boyfriend and the smell of bacon and eggs.


"Morning, Lilly made breakfast and you have to get ready you only have 40 minutes to get ready." Tate said then kissing me.

"Ugh okay."

I got up and took my shower and got ready as normal. Once I was finally ready me and Tate went down to eat.

"Wow. Lilly you really out done your self." I said grabbing a plate that had food on it.

"Well it wasn't just me cooking Heath helped." Lilly said with a smile.

"Well thanks Heath and Lilly." Tate said and I nodded agreeing.

We only had 10 minutes left.

"We better get going." I said grabbing the keys.

"Okay but I drive again." Tate said snatching the keys away.

"Bye Lilly and Heath." I yelled before closing the door.

We managed to get to school with 3 minutes left. We walked in school and Jade looked pissed off and was storming over to us.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Freaking Ally!"

"What did she do this time?" Tate asked.

"Why don't you just look at this." she said angrily handing us a paper.

" As you guys might know Jade as Ashley's bestfriend. Ashley's brother Luke is the football captain and Jade is dating Luke's best friend Jake. Recently I caught Jade flirting with Luke. She just can't keep her hands off the football players, I since I was concerned about Jake I decided to tell you guys. All of you guys! Everybody stay away from Jade she is a slut just like her bestfriend Ashley. Ashley tried to make moves on Ethan. Ethan was just being nice but Ashley wanted more so she kissed him. Now they have taken Charlie the hot new girl under her wing and is probably going to make her like one of them. So lady's if I were you I would keep your man close! Just watch out!
- Love,

"What the hell!?" I yelled.

"Yeah she had tons printed and put all around the school. But Charlie, Me, Luke, Jake, and Eric had gotten here Early and got most of them." Jade said.

"Okay. We need to take care of this bs." I said.

"I would love to help but I have to go with the guys we have football meeting. I won't see you guys until lunch." Tate said

"Okay bye." jade said

"Bye love you." I said giving him a kiss.

"Love you too." he said kissing me back.

Me and Jade went to our first class which all the teacher did was talk and give us work, but wouldn't let us work on it. Our other 3 classes was the exact same. We had home work In English, and two things in Math. Luckily the stuff in math wasn't due until Friday.

"This sucks, we have homework. How are we suppose to plan our revenge on her now?" Jade asked frowning.

"I think maybe if we just leave her alone she might quit." I said.

"Okay remember in 8th grade? When she would pick on you cause you hadn't had a boyfriend and she would bully you? What did you think back then?" jade asked.

"Maybe if we didn't do anything she would stop." I said knowing where this conversation was going.

"Exactly and did she stop? No! So it's time we finally stand up for ourselves. She is a bitch and everybody knows it! But everybody is chickens and are on her side cause they are to scared to be on the right side!"

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