Chapter 24

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"I would like to introduce to you 2015 class." our principal said.

We all three our caps into the sky and then I ran to find Tate. I passed Luke and Jade kissing and Charlie and Zach hugging. When I got to Tate I ran up to him and kissed him.

"We did it!" He said picking me up and spinning me.

"I know."

"Are you coming to college with me?"

"Yeah, I love you babe." Tate said.

"Love you too." we walked over to Luke, Jade, Charlie, Zach.

"Hey guys." I said.

"Hey, um. I got to go. sorry." Charlie said.

"Aw." we all said.

"I'm sorry, come to my house Tomorrow in the morning before noon. I'm leaving at 12:30 Tomorrow." she said.


"Bye." she said running over to her mom.

"Bro how are you taking it?" Luke asked Zach.

"I don't know, I don't know what to do." Zach said.

"Well just know we are here for you if you need us." Jade said.

"Okay thanks guys. My parents probably want to go so I'll see you guys around." He said walking away

"Well it's just us wa-" I said before getting pulled into a hug by Lilly and Heath.

"Congrats baby brother and baby sister." she said with a smile.

"Sis we are baby's be are about to be 18." Luke said

"Well until then you guys are still baby's to me." Lilly said

"So me and Heath wanted to know if you guys all wanted to go out to eat? Tate and Jade you guys can invite your family too if you want." Lilly said.

"Yeah my mom has to go back to work so I have to go get kitty from her now." Tate said walking away from us.

"And I can I just have to go find them and tell them I'll have dinner with them." Jade said.

"Okay." Lilly and Heath both said.

After having dinner with everybody Luke, Heath, Lilly and I all went home and dropped Tate and Jade off at their houses.

"Hey Ash, this came in today." Lilly said handing me a letter that had California College of the Arts written on it.

"oh my god!" I said

"Open it! Open it!" Lilly said hugging heaths bicep.

I opened the letter and read out loud.

"Dear Ashley,

Congratulations! On behalf of the Admissions Committee I am pleased to inform you that your application to California College of the Arts has been ACCEPTED!"

"CONGRATS!" They all said.

"Thank you. Oh my god! I can't believe I got accepted!" I said smiling.

"Well, it's late. You guys have to wake up early to say bye to Charlie so go to sleep." Lilly said.

"Okay, night Heath night Lilly." me and Luke said running into our rooms.

I woke up at 10 A.M. and got ready. I checked my phone and I had a text message from Zach to call him.

"Hey." I said.

"Hey, Ash." Zach said.

"You wanted me to call you?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure I can go today."


"Because, it's going to be to hard. I have to let somebody I love leave me." he said.

"Yeah, but you have to. Its going to be hard for all of us harder for you but it will be hard for her too."

"I know, but I have to break up with her." he said.

"Zach, we are all here for you. But I think you should come, yeah it's going to be hard. But it will be harder if you don't come." I said.

"Okay. I'm leaving at 11:30."

"Okay, see you then."

"See ya" he said hanging up.

Me and Luke left and went to Charlie's at 11:30.

"Thanks for coming guys!" Charlie said. She looked like she had been crying.

"I'm going to miss you so much." I said starting to cry.

"Aww please come visit me some time." she said.

"I will." I said.

"You too Luke!" She said hugging him.

"I will." he said.

"Okay come in Jade and Tate are already inside." she said walking into her house.

I ran over to Tate and hugged him.

"Do you guys know if Zach is coming?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, I called him he said he wo-" I said before getting interrupted by somebody knocking on the door.

"Zach." Charlie said crying.

"Char" he said hugging her like they haven't seen eachother in 10 years.

"I'm going to miss you the most." she said and everybody didn't say anything cause we all knew it was true.

"I'm going to miss you too." he said.

We all just helped load the truck, and talked. She has to leave at 12 cause she had to get to the airport at 12:30.

"I'm going to miss you, I promise I'll come and visit. I love you" I said hugging her.

"Love you too." Charlie said hugging me. I walked over to Tate.

"I'm going to miss you too." Tate said hugging her.

"I'll miss you you too, and you better treat ash right or I'll have to hunt you down." Charlie said.

I hugged Tate as I cried. After We all said goodbye there was only one person left to say goodbye. Zach.

They stood there hugging each other and Charlie started crying.

"I love you soooo much." Zach said kissing her head. She looked up.

"I love you too." she said crying more. They both knew that they were going to have to break up but either of them wanted to say it. So it was like a silent break up.

"Bye." she said getting into the truck.

We all waved at her as she drove away. We all went to our house.


One more Chapter left :(. I hope you've all liked my story.

Please tell me what you think! Please vote and comment it would mean a lot!!! XD


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