Chapter 9

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"Wow." The guys say together.

"You guys look amazing." Dylan adds.

Everybody had showed up. The party is going great and Zach loves it. What can we say? We are his best friends.

"Hey guys wanna play truth or dare?"

"Yeah" everybody says.

"Okay but you guys can't get mad if you girlfriends get dared to do something with somebody else." Zach says.

"Fine." Tate and Jake whine.

"Okay are you done with your beer?" Luke and Tate.

"Uh yeah here." Tate say handing the empty bottle to Luke.

"Okay I'll spin first." Luke says as he spins the bottle.

It landed on Dylan.

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to make out with Jade."

"Uh okay."

After Jade and Dylan got done making out

Dylan spun the bottle. It landed on me.

"Truth or dare?" Dylan asked

"Truth." I said biting my lip

"Chicken." Luke mutters so I slap his arm.

"Hmm. What's your bra size?"

"C." I said. I spun the bottle and it landed on Jake.

"Truth or dare?" I asked.


"I dare you to see how much ice cream you can fit in your mouth." I said


We grab the ice cream and a spoon, we counted how may spoons of ice cream he could fit in his mouth in 30 seconds. The answer was 14.

"Now I'm freezing, thanks Ash." he said joking.

Jake spun the bottle it landed on Tate.

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to see how many beers you can drink in 30 seconds."

"Okay cool." Tate says.

Tate managed to drink 2 bottles of beer in 30 seconds.

"Okay that wasn't that hard guys." Tate says spinning the bottle."

It landed on Luke.

"Truth or dare."


"I dare you to go upstairs put on one of Lilly's dresses and then run around the neighbor hood."

"Dude really?" Luke asked.

"Yep, and Ashley gets to pick the dress."

Me and Luke got up and went into Lilly's room.
I decided to get one of the dresses Lilly hates because she would be pissed if he wore one she loved. I picked out this dark brown strapless dress that had ruffles at the bottom. I remember Lilly getting from somebody for her birthday and then the next day she tried it on and she told me and Luke she felt like a turd in it and she thought she looked like on too.

"Really the turd dress!?" Luke whines

"It's either this or I get you a tight short dress."

"Ugh okay."

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