Chapter 18

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I ran over to Tate and grabbed him face and I kisses him. Tate then kissed me back and grabbed my waists.

"I still love you."

"I love you too." Tate said.

"Will you be my girlfriend again?" He asked.

"Yes." I said and then he kissed me again. we almost had forgotten about everybody being in there when we heard a few whistle. I started blushing.

"You know your cute when you blush?" Tate said which made me blush more.

"We since everything is back together how about everybody stays the night here?" Luke asked.

"Okay." everybody said.

We all went to the game room and we saw Jake with Jade sitting on him hugging. Zach with Charlie laying on him. Luke, Dylan, and Eric were playing COD. Me and Tate just cuddled in the big chair. We ended up falling asleep.

I woke up at 11 am and Tate was still holding me.

"Tate." I whispered and he groaned. I then kissed him and he smiled.

"Morning beautiful." he said in a husky morning voice.

"Morning. Can you let go of me?"

"Why?" He asked with puppy dog eyes.

"Cause I want to change we have school."

"Fine." Tate said then kisses me.

I get up and start to play Down Fall Of Us All by A Day To Remember. I turned the volume the way up and everybody jumped.

"What the hell?!" Luke asked angrily.

"Get dresses for school now! Jade and Charlie follow me." Tate then grab me and carried me up the stairs. Once me and the girls and Tate got to my room I took a shower and the girls did to in their rooms.

I got out of the shower and changed into a black crop top with high waisted shorts, floral Cardigan and black vans. Then I put my make up on and straightened my hair.

Charlie decided to wear my neon green crop top with a big bow on it and some short that have feathers on them. She grabbed some sandals and did her make up, and she straightened her hair, and braided some to make a 'headband'.

Jade ended up wear a gray dress with a flannel around her waist and maroon knee socks and combat boots. She curled her hair and did her make up.

Charlie and Jade then left my room and they headed to school. Me and Tate just stood there hugging and then walked downstairs. Everybody had already left.

"Wanna drive?" I asked.

"Sure." Tate did grabbing my keys.

We walked out to my car and drove to school. When we got to school everybody was talking about our party. People were coming up to us and asking when the next one was and I kept says 'I don't know'.

Me, Tate, Charlie, Zach and Luke all headed to English. The teacher was running late of she just wasn't going to show up. I was sitting by the window and couldn't help to see Charlie and Zach they were laughing and smiling. Tate and Luke were arm wrestling.

It was now lunch and I finally could talk to Zach.

"So what's going on between you and Charlie?"

"Uh. haha. Just talking."

"Just talking? More like flirting." I said with a smirk.

"Oh shut up."

"Just ask her out already, I'm sure she will say yes."

"Will you shut up if I do?"

"Yeah." I smiling know he was going to ask her.

"Fine." He said with a smile. I moved back over to Tate and Zach went a sat by Charlie.

I didn't want to listen to what was going on cause I knew he was asking and she was going to say yes.

After the last classes and Charlie telling us about her date with Zach I was happy to finally be out of school. I didn't see Ethan of Ally so there wasn't any drama.

Me and Tate went to his house and I saw tired, in PE we had to run forever so I laid down on Tates bed.

"Sleepy?" Tate asked.

"Yeah." I said hugging a pillow.

"Hey, how about you hug me and not that pillow?" Tate suggested.

"Is somebody jealous of a pillow?" I joked. Tate then crawled into bed and I hugged him and laid my head on his chest.

"I love you." he said.

"I love you too." I said smiling.

I woke up and realized it was already midnight, I need to go home cause I need to be home in the morning cause I need my clothes and makeup and everything. I got up and tip toed to his widow.

"What are you doing?" Tate asked in a husky voice.

"Leaving I need to be home cause Tomorrow we have school and I will need to get ready."

"Oh but why the window?"

"Didn't want to wake anybody up."

"Come on, I'll drive you home."

Tate dropped me off at home and was to tired he had carried me to my bed. I felt bad cause he was tired too. He laided me on the bed and then fell on it and then we were both out.


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