Chapter 5

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After waking up still as pikachu I walk down stairs. I find a broke lamp in the floor in front of the stairs.
"WHO EVER BROKE THIS LAMP IS GONNA PAY! I LOVED THAT LAMP!" I yelled a little bit joking. I managed to get pass the broken lamp with out stepping on it. I ran to where I heard noise coming from. I saw Luke and Ariel. I hid so they wouldn't see me but I could hear them.

"I'm sorry babe, forgive me."
"Why would I forgive you. Your the one that cheated one me! Ariel how could you?!"
"I'm sorry."
"Sorry doesn't change it. You still cheated." Luke snapped back at her
"I WAS DRUNK! I went to a party and had a few drinks! Okay!" Ariel yelled at my brother.
"It doesn't change a thing."
"Forgive me I was drunk."
"How can I forgive you you cheat, and to make it worse with one of my ex best friends."
"I'm didn't mean to!"
"I should have listened to Zach when he told me about you." Luke spat out.
"Well your ex boyfriend Zach aka my best friend said that all you do is drink and party and sleep with guys!"
"I didn't say you were!"

I wasn't sure if I should walk walk in to make them shut up, but I didn't care. Luke was my older brother but I was gonna stand up for him. I got up from where I was hiding and walked in the kitchen to where they were fighting.

"Ariel quit making a scene in our house!" I told her.
"Leave you loser."
"Haha I'm a loser really? That's the best insult you could come up with?" I asked
"Ashley go upstairs." Luke asked.
"No." I snapped back at him, and smiled.
"How about this Ariel how about 1 you quit being a slut, 2 you quit being a bitch to my family, and 3 get your skanky ass out of my house!" I yelled at Ariel.
"You little bitch!" She said jumping up towards me. She got ahold of my hair.
"Really? Your gonna pull my hair? Let me show you how it's done. I mean since you broke my favorite lamp let me break something of yours. Hmmm, how about your nose? I mean it's already fake." I said punching her in the gut making her fall to the ground I then punched her in the face maybe 4 times before somebody pulled me off of her. It was Luke.

Ariel had been crying she was still in the floor though.
"Oh and don't try to sue us cause you did break into our house and break our stuff, I was just defending myself from a stranger." I said proud. I walked away up to my room.

My phone had been left on my desk since last night I check it and I had 13 new messages.
All from Tate.

Morning sunshine :) <3
You look beautiful! XD <3
Sorry I left I had to pick something up for my mom, be back soon! <3
I miss you. <3
You better be smiling.XD <3
Honey? Have I told you how lucky I am? XD
I'm so luck! <3 XD
I have the best girlfriend ever! <3
You have the cutest eyes ever. <3
Man I love your smile, wish I could see it. <3
Roses are red.<3
Violets are blue. <3
Can I touch your butt? XD

I couldn't help but smile. The thing that boy does to me.

Then I got another text from Tate.
I got you ice cream, pizza and some movies. I'll be over in an hour.<3

I went down stairs and saw that Luke was cleaning the kitchen.
"Luke, I'm sorry about earlier." I said.
"Don't be."
I hugged him. "I'm sorry she cheated on you."
"It's fine ash." He said with a chuckle.

I ended up asleep again. Luke must have carried me to my room. I could smell pizza. I ran down stairs like a little kid in Christmas.
"PIZZA!" I yelled.
Then I heard laughing by multiple people. I turned around to see the whole football team. I then realized I was still in my onesie.
I started to feel embarrassed.

"Uhhhh Hi." I said waving.
Then one of them got up and walked over towards me. It Was Derrick.
"Hey, Ashley." he said then winking at me.
"Uhh hey."
"You look cute."
"Uh thanks."
"Well I don't know why you are saying this she's always cute." I heard somebody say behind me. Tate.
I ran and hugged him.
"Hey babe. Miss me?"
"Even though it hasn't been a day yes I have."
"Well I missed you too."
"I could tell by all those text messages." I said laughing.
"Oh speaking of those messages, the last question?"
"Tate! I'm ignoring that."
"Well ignore this too then."
While we were hugging and still talking Tate grabbed my butt in front of the whole team.
"Tate!" I said blushing.
"Ash!" He moaning.
"Tate! Quit it!" I said slapping his chest.
"I was joking! Babe"
"Yeah, yeah."
I then stood on my tip toes and kissed him on the lips, before he could respond to the kiss I ran back upstairs taking the pizza.

Then I heard the whole team yell.

Once I got into my room I locked the door.
I heard the guys talking about how they wanted there pizza back and all that.

"ASHLEY!" Somebody yelled.
"PIZZA!" I yelled in responds

I ate 3 pieces of pizza and then left it on my desk.

'Dang it! I forgot my drink.' I thought to myself.

I knew the boy would be waiting for me to leave my room so that's when I unlocked my window and climb down the side of the house.

I ring the door bell maybe 5 times then take of running to the back door. We leave our back door Unlocked. I got back into the kitchen.
"Oh boys? You looking for something?" I yelled up to them. They all took off running down the stairs.
"How did you get down here?" Derrick asked.
"Magic." I said sarcastically.
"Haha no really?"
"My window."
"Yep." I said Popping the P.
"Oh I'm done with the pizza it's all your now." I added before getting the pizza and handing it to one of the boys.

I then went to my room where I fell asleep.


Please tell me what you think! Please vote and comment it would mean a lot!!! XD


Okay so I know this chapter sucks. Sorry. :(

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