Chapter 10

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I woke up to Lilly and Luke jumping on my bed.
"What the hell are you guys doing?!" I yelled cause I'm not a morning person.

"Waking you up." Luke said before falling down on top of me.

"Luke! Get your fat ass off me!! I can't breath!" I said trying to push him off me.

Lilly sat down and Luke got off me and say by her.

"What did you guys want?" I asked annoyed.

"Uh. I told you I had one more thing for you... So um, here." Lilly said handing me a medium size box.

"Oh and just for you to know Luke 'wrapped' it." she added and Luke grinned.

"Oh okay." I said opening the box.

I opened the box and guess what it was?
Another box -.- I opened the next box to find another box. After opening 2 more boxes Luke interrupts me.

"That's the last box." Luke said and I just flipped him off.

I opened the box, to find a key.

"A key?" I asked confused.

"Go outside." Lilly said.

We walked downstairs and was stopped by Luke and Lilly.

"Wait. Put this on." they said as Luke tied a bandana over my eye so I couldn't see.

"I swear if I fall I will beat your ass!" I said to Luke remembering the last time Luke put a bandana over my eyes. He let me walk straight into the pool! When I was 10!

"Yeah yeah." Luke said

"Okay take it off!" Lilly said and I could tell she was smiling.

I took the bandana off to see a 2015 black Camaro.

"OH MY GOD!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!! I LOVE IT! OH MY GOD!" I said hugging Lilly.

"Your welcome." Lilly said hugged me back.

"Luke?" I asked.

"Yes?" Luke asked.

"Thanks." I said hugging him.

"Your welcome." Luke said.

For the rest of the day I drove them all over the place. I didn't care cause I love this car.

"Well thanks sis for driving us everywhere." Luke said.

"No problem."

It was already 10:30 pm when we got home. We already had dinner.

"I'm going to sleep. Night guys." I said running upstairs to my room.

I got in my room and changed into pj's.

I had just gotten in my bed when I heard a loud thud. I walked over to my window to see a shoe on my balcony.

"What the hell?" I said to myself. And I looked off the balcony down at a person standing there. Just as I looked down another shoe came flying by my face.

"Ash!" The person said. Then my phone started to ring. It was Tate.

"Hey Tate!"

"Hey, I'm climbing up."


"I was the person throwing the shoes." he said and I laughed.

"Ah, okay come on up." I said and hung up the phone.

A minute later Tate was in my room.

"So shoes huh?" I said.

"Yep, I'm thinking about throwing my shoes at your window more often." Tate said.

"Just don't break my window." I said laughing a little.

"No promises." He said with a cheeky grin.

"So school starts Tomorrow, why aren't you at your house?" I asked.

"I just got home and I wanted to see you. I just wanted to see you and then I'd leave."

"Ah." I said frowning.

"Or I could get some clothes and stay here?" He said.

"I mean if you want." I tried to say keeping my cool.

"I'll take that as a yes." Tate said winking at me.

"Yes." I said kissing him.

"But I'm going to sleep. Tomorrow is a big day." I added.


We both climbing in bed and fell asleep.


Sorry about this chapter being short
:( but I promise the next chapter is gonna be longer. It gonna be the first day of senior year XD... Anyways There May Or May Not be a lot of drama coming up..... I'm gonna try to update the next chapter by tonight

Please tell me what you think! Please vote and comment it would mean a lot!!! XD


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