Chapter 13

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At school everybody was talking about our party. People kept walking up to us and talking about when it was and where do we live.

Since news travels fast, by lunch everybody knew about the party. We were at lunch eating. When the one and only bitch Ally shows up.

"Hey guys." she said putting her hand on Luke, but he pushed it off.

"What do you want?" Jade hisses.

"Just wanted to tell you guys I'm having a party. Everybody is coming." She said smirking at me.

"Well so are we and if people want to go to a bitches party then let them, but we will be at our house throwing a party." Tate says back.

"Oh and we have invited people from other schools so if our school doesn't show up we still have 3 other schools." I said.

"Nobody is going to go to a NOBODYS party." she said looking at me.

I got up and stood on the top of our table.

"Hey!" I said some people looked. Then jade whistled real loud and everybody's eyes where on me. The teachers were having a meeting so nobody was in the lunch room today beside kids.

"Does anybody know who i am?" And everybody was like duh.

"YEAH YOUR THAT HOT CHICK DATING TATE!" A guy in the back yells.

"Yeah, so if you haven't heard we are throwing a party at MY house. Other schools will be there to. Ally here decided to also throw a party! She thinks NOBODYS going to show up since I'm a nobody." I said so everybody could hear.

"Yeah, so come to our party if you want to!" Jade said standing in her seat.

"Do you guys believe this? NOBODYS are throwing party's! They aren't going to even have beer! It's probably going to be like a kindergarten party." Ally says getting on a table.

"Sorry but last time I check we have a older sister, she knows the right stuff to get for the party." I said to ally.

"So if you want to come to our party them come if you don't then don't. But if you don't show We will be having a party. Without cops showing up." I Said to everybody.

Tate got up on the table and got me down. Ally stormed out of the lunch room and everybody cheered.

"So we only have 3 more classes. Anybody want to skip?" Tate asked.

"Yeah." We said.

When the bell rang we walked outside threw the back door cause there's no cameras. We all got in our cars and went to my house.

"What your guy want to do?" I asked.

"Oh you guys skipped" Lilly said.

"What you guys are going to do is clean your rooms. Then at 6 we get everything set up and they around 6:30 we get ready." Lilly added.

"Okay." we all went into our rooms and cleaned up.

"Who wants to swim?" I asked it was now 3.



"Um... I can't...." Zach said.

"They said if you wrapped it up." Luke said to zach.

"Nah it's fine I'll just lay out then."

"I got to go home." Eric says.

"My dad text me and told me to pick up my aunt and uncle at the airport." Dylan said.

"Oh okay see you guys later."

Jade, Jake, Luke, and Tate were in the pool. I felt bad the Zach couldn't be in the pool so I decided to just lay out and get a tan with him.

"You know you don't have to." Zach said.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"You can get in the pool, I don't care."

"Nah, it's fine. I didn't want to swim."

"Whatever ash." Zach said smirking.

Everybody in the pool were having there own conversation.

"So Zach you like anybody at school?" I asked.

"Uh, why does it matter." he said kinda nervous.

"YOU DO!" I said

"Ash keep it down. I don't want them to know." he said pointing at the guys.

"Oh okay. Who is it?" I asked eager to know.

"The new girl." He said smiling.

Tuesday a new girl came she really pretty. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. All the guys were talking about her. She looked like she was gonna be popular by next week.

"She's pretty, you guys would be cute." I said smiling.

"I think she's coming to the party. I was wondering. Could you talk to her, and invite her to hang out with our group? I'm nervous." Zach said.

"Sure thing." I said messing with his hair.

It was already 6:30 we already had everything set up. I was up in my room changing. Jade ended up curling my hair, and I curled hers. We did eachothers make up.

We walked downstairs all the guys were in the kitchen. Lilly must have still been getting ready.

By 7:15 people had started showing up. Lilly was just talking to this guy I've never met. I then saw the new girl, so I walked over to her.

"Hi! I said.


"You liking the party?" I asked.


"Good cause it's mine." I said laughing a little.

"Oh so your Ashley."

"That's me!" I said.

"I'm Charlie." she said smiling.

"You should met the guys. You would like them." I said


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