4/ Anonymous Hookup🔞

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Win's POV

Bright talks with a worker, pays an amount, and gets something that looks like a card. Then he again holds my hand and takes me into a corridor, which is quite dark. He slides the key card into a door and takes me in there.

I hear my heartbeat in my ears as I stare into the darkness of the room. Bright adjusts the lights so we can see a bit inside. Still, the masks around our faces keep our identities a secret.

"Second thoughts?" he asks behind me with his hands resting on my waist.

"No," I mumble.

He pushes me toward the bed, where I fall on the mattress. Then he hovers over me.

"I was questioning this nightclub's theme. I like it, to be honest. It's interesting," he says as he intertwines our hands and holds them next to my head. He leans down and kisses me again. My heart swells at the feeling of kissing him.

Our lips perfectly sync, and our tongues taste each other until we are out of breath.

He lets go of my hands, unbutton my shirt, and pulls it away from my body, leaving me shirtless in front of him. I might have kissed a boy before when I was young. But I have never done this before.

Everything about tonight is going to be my first time.

But it's worth it.

Because I like Bright.

He kisses my neck, leaving open mouth kisses down to my chest, where he plays with my nipples for a little while, sucking on one. My eyes roll back to my skull at the feeling because I have never done it before.

Then he pulls his shirt over his head. I can see his body only a little as it's dark in the room. I reach out and keep one of my hands on his chest, feeling the warmth coming off his body. My hand shivers as I touch him. For touching a guy for the first time in my life.

He holds my hips and unzips my pants. I realise that he's going to go all the way with me, but I am scared because I haven't done this before. But if I tell him that I am a virgin he might as well... stop from here and leave me.

"Um... I am- uh." I hold his hands to stop him. As much as I want him to proceed, I don't want to get hurt tonight. I am scared and... "To be honest, I haven't done this before," I say in one breath.

His hands drop to my sides. Right...

"Why did you decide it was a good idea to have your first time with a random stranger?" he asks.

You are not a random stranger.

"In my life. I can never be with a guy. So I came to a place like this for the first time." I say.

"You might get a chance to be with the person you like. Plus, it's nice to do it when you are in love."

"Are you speaking with experience?" I ask.

"No. I have heard it. That's all."

"If you are fine with a virgin. You can proceed." I change the topic.

"Um, sure. I'll prepare you well."

He removes my pants and my underwear altogether. Then he gets off the bed and checks the drawers around where he brings a tube. I see it in the darkness as my eyes get used to it.

"Lie down," he says, and I do.

He parts my legs, and I tighten my hold on the sheets. After a little while, I feel coldness on my inner thighs, where he has squeezed out some of the lube from the tube. He spreads it out and slowly enters a finger inside me.

I cringe at the feeling at first, but it feels fine as he pulls his finger in and out. He adds another finger and does it for a while, stretching me, and I can feel my body losing all the energy as he hits a certain point. I almost call out his name but bite my lower lip. Almost caught.

"I think you are ready." he steps down and removes his pants and underwear. I still lie on the mattress, wondering if what I am doing right now is okay. I watch as he wears a condom.

He kneels in front of my parted legs and puts one of my legs over his shoulder before leaning down.

"If it hurts, say 'Stop'. I will stop instantly, okay?" he asks.


He lowers himself and enters me bit by bit. My eyes tear up at the pain, but I don't say the safe word because I am fine with it. Although it feels like my bottom part is tearing apart, I know I don't want him to stop at all.

"I am going to move." he pulls out and pushes inside.

I gasp and keep my hand over my mouth to stop myself. He does it a few times before pulling my hand aside.

"Let it out all you want," he says.

The bed creaks as he moves, slamming his member deep into me, and I feel my body feeling numb and my member leaking a bit. I feel like I am going insane. I never knew it might feel this good to do it with a guy, especially with the person I like. (hasn't done with a girl to begin with)

With a mix of pain and pleasure, I come across my chest before him, and he does inside me, in the condom. He groans as he does and falls on my chest. I gasp for oxygen, and I put my arms around his upper half for a hug that I won't get a chance to have again.

He kisses me once for a while before lying next to me. Then he removes the condom from his member.

We stay there silently for a while. Bright moves next to me and checks his phone.

"It's 10 p.m," he says. He moves our discarded clothes aside. "I paid for the room. You can stay here tonight if you want. But I'll leave in a bit."

Gosh. I don't want him to leave.

"I can't stay either. I don't want to risk it." I say.

"Hah. Are you in that much of a bad position?" he asks.

"A crucial position that one action will cost my life."

"I don't understand. Homophobic parents?" he asks.

"It's worse than you can imagine... What about you?"

"Simply didn't have any interest in anyone. And when I did... he's taken."

"Tell me about him. He's married, you said." I say, expecting that it's me.

"For seven fucking years," he exclaims.

Okay, that's me. He's talking about me. But it doesn't really make me happy. Because there's nowhere for us to go. Tonight is just a temporary thing. And we part ways soon after.

"He's going to have a child with his wife soon," he adds.

"Did you... Are you sure it's impossible? Did you try to find out if there's a chance?" I ask.

"How's there a chance? Married for seven years, about to have a child. And you should see them together. He talks to his wife so damn sweetly, not a single hint of pretentiousness because I was there. My co-worker did say that her husband even cooks for him. They have a sweet life together. I am simply a random outsider who doesn't want to be a homewrecker." he explains.

If he knew... that his co-worker's husband also has feelings for him. And he just had sex with him.

I sit on the bed with a heavy heart. This, tonight, is going to end for good. There won't be anything left in our relationship. I will ask Love not to bring him to our place again because this whole deception should stop. I am tired of deceiving people.

"I am leaving," I say.

"Um, sure. Good night."

- - -

Might be my first time to have them do it in chapter 4 already!!😂

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