19/ Sugar Baby

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Win's POV

My parents walk through the new apartment. They look through each room and the furniture as well. I stay as calm as possible, not really worried about anything, until my mom decides to look over the closet.

"It's a silly design. You have to walk through the apartment to reach the closet?" she asks.

"It's a new trend, and it's nice," I say. "Since it's not in the room, there's plenty of space."

She looks through the empty closet, and I wonder where the hell the secret-linked door is because I can't find it anywhere. But gladly, she doesn't see it either. And then we have lunch together, and they leave after saying that they are okay with us living here.

"Phew. That went well." Love says to me.

"I know, right? Are Bright and Film in their apartment?" I ask her.

"Not now. They are moving in today. We still have many things to bring. Are you bringing your pool table here?" she asks.

"No. There's not much space."

"But you love playing pool."

"It's fine. The issue is, finding the secret door." I walk into the closet room again, where I look around for the defect where the opening might be. I touch the wooden walls to see where it is, only for it to open all of a sudden.

I jump back in surprise. Bright peeks his head and smiles when he sees me.

"Were you searching for the door?" he asks.

"Yeah. It was nowhere to be found. Damn, the frame can't be even seen. How did you do this?" I ask him.

"It wasn't that hard." he steps into the apartment and looks around. "You okay with the setting?" he asks.

"Yeah. I am totally okay with it. The question is. Will this work for the two and half years?" I ask, noticing Love, who walks into the other apartment.

"I wonder. If we are careful, it might work. I mean. The plan is evilly perfect. Even if your parents do surprise visits, there won't be an issue." he replies.

"Yeah... Still, I am scared... Uhm, are you done moving in all the things?"

"It will all be done tomorrow. We can start living together the day after tomorrow."

"Oah. I can't believe it. It really sounds too good to be true." I say.

"Right." he puts his arms around my waist. "I promised a solution, and here it is. If we can handle these two years with our secret. Everything's going to be fine from there on. But you'll have to get ready for the third step that will only be completed after our deception. Leaving your parents, your wealth and everything." he says.

"Yeah. I am fine with that as long as you don't abandon me."

"Nah. I don't plan to abandon you. Don't worry. We'll still be kind of well-off in another country because of my work overseas." He says with a wink.

"Oh. Aren't you too famous and rich?" I ask.

"I am. And after you leave all your wealth behind, you are going to be my sugar baby," he says with a kiss on my lips.

"Ahh. I like that."

"Yep. Since I am going to please you with money. You have to please me with something else. You know."

I move away from him as he says that, "No, no. You get nothing."

As I try to walk away, he slaps my butt. I give him a dirty look.

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