11/ Secret Relationship

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Win's POV

So it becomes a regular thing. Film and Bright would stay at our place during the weekend, and Love would also meet Film in the company. Whereas I get fewer chances due to my working schedule, so Bright and I make video calls every day.

We talk about basic things like how I fell into a bucket of paint when I was small and how he tried a cigarette and ended up in the ICU due to poisoning. I was glad that I never smoked.

It also became quite different at the penthouse. Love and I realised that it would be weird if we had separate lovers but still slept in the same bed at night. So she took the guest room for the night's sleep, but we didn't move her clothes there because our parents sometimes do surprise visits where we won't get a chance to move them back into the correct room.

Basically, it was quite chaotic to have done this. But with much hassle, we did it for two months without any issues.

Bright is seated on the sofa with my head on his lap as we watch Red, White and Royal Blue for the second time after watching it last month.

"See. Even the UK Prince came out for his lover. Can't you do the same for me?" Bright asks next to me.

"My situation is worse than his. Trust me, I want to come out." I say. "I would love to go on dates without minding that people can see me and our parents can simply ruin our lives. I would love to go to an aquarium together as a couple!"

I raise myself and sit next to Bright.

"I know. I was just saying," he replies.

It isn't easy to have a secret relationship. It's even worse here as I am married to a girl, and we are both in secret relationships. I look toward the guest room, where I saw the two girls fast asleep on the bed just a while ago.

It won't be long before one of us gets tired of hiding.

I get out of my trance when Bright pulls me to his lap. It's still a new feeling to be close to another man like this. And it's all because of Bright's patience and acceptance that I am getting to feel it.

I hold his face in my hands and kiss his lips. He holds my hair and pulls at it in a soothing manner. I move close, and I put my arms around his neck.

"You know, kissing a guy is awesome. But kissing someone else's husband is even better." Bright says as he shifts me to the sofa, hovering over me.

"You are so dirty," I say.

"It's not the first time I heard it," he says with a smirk before pressing his lower half on me. I feel his bulge against mine, and my body shivers at the feeling. I hold him by his shoulder to stop him from moving. But when it comes to instances like this, Bright is so mean and unstoppable.

Right then, the doorbell rings, and he moves back with an unsatisfied groan.

"I swear if it's your secretary, he might wish he was dead," Bright says, sitting on the sofa.

I get down from the sofa with a smile. I pull down my t-shirt to cover the bulge in my pants and walk to the door, where I place my eye on the peephole.

I step back with a gasp, goosebumps all over my body, to see my parents and Love's parents outside.

"What's up?" Bright asks, walking to me.

I push him away, "M-my-- o-our parents." I say, totally startled.

Bright looks surprised to hear that. He keeps his hands on my shoulders to calm me down, "I will call the girls. You can invite your parents in." he says before walking toward the guest room.

I look around to make sure there's nothing to worry about or to be suspicious about. Then I remember the movie on the TV. It's not going to be a good sight for people who are homophobic till the earth shatters.

So I quickly walk to the TV where the Prince and the President's son are kissing. I switch off the TV and remove the cables, just in case. Then I walk back to the door and open it, trying my best to look calm and collected.

"Took you long, dear." my mom says with a kiss on my cheek. And she walks inside. I gulp, waiting for the other three to walk in as well. My dad stops next to me before giving me a strange glance and walking into the living room.

I feel a bit light-headed as I am not ready for this at all. How on earth did I forget that they do surprise visits like this?!

Love shows up from the guest room, looking fearful and almost shaking. We both look like mice caught under a trap. She walks to me, and I hold her shaking hand.

People might think we are two cowardly people who are not ready to face our fears, but when it comes to our parents, we fear them more than anything. Because that's how it is. And not everyone can be strong.

"Did anything happen?" Love's father asks us, and we shake our heads in unison.

"I- I was just-" I start, but Bright and Film show up from the guest room. I look at them in question. Why didn't they hide?

"If they hide and our parents find out later. It'll be bad." Love whispers to me.

Our parents take seats in the living room and wait for an introduction. So I quickly do it.

"Th-they are friends. Um... this is Bright, he's Love's co-worker in the company, and this is Film, the receptionist there." I explain.

"What's the company receptionist doing here? What business has she with you two?" Love's mother asks.

"Ahh. About that... she's a friend of Bright!" Love points out.

My parents look unconvinced about it, and my dad speaks, "I heard the penthouse had many visits the past few months. And it was only you two." he says, looking at Bright and Film.

Right. They always do this. Dig into our life and pull out an unwanted problem. They always suspect even a step we take, even the clothes we wear. That's why we cannot ever be in peace in this lifetime.

"I come here for the project work, Mr. Opas-iamkajorn. This is my girlfriend, so we come together." Bright lies, putting his arm around Film, and we all agree because it's the best way to solve this issue.

My parents nod in understanding, and I leave Love with them to make them something to drink. I quickly walk into the kitchen and brace myself against the counter. Bright and Film walks inside, looking surprised.

"Why does it feel like this?" Film asks.

"Yeah. As if they might murder you if you slip out one word." Bright mutters in worry.

"It is how it is," I mumble.

Bright walks to me and holds my hand, but I quickly withdraw.

"S-sorry, but not now," I say.

Bright and Film silently help me to make the drinks and arrange some cakes on the tray. Then I take the tray into the living room, where Film and Bright sit by a corner together as a couple.

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We got toxic shits for parents😒

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