12/ Why We Married

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Win's POV

My parents have the drink, looking around and giving us the usual judging eyes.

They question Love about the new project, and she explains it carefully.

"Why is the progress so slow? Do you want another partner for it?" her father asks, giving a side glance at Bright. One common thing about our parents is that they belittle everyone around them.

"I-it's not like that. The project needs a lot of research. We have finished them by now, and the actual result will come soon." Love quickly replies.

"What about you, Win?" my dad questions.

"About me... Everything's fine. The new department-"

"You failed the contract," he says.

I clench my hands together on my lap. I keep it silent as I know I actually fucked up the contract with the new client due to my absentmindedness recently.

"You know I can always replace you with your elder cousin, right? I do care about our family line, which is why I asked you and Love to produce an heir. But if you are failing the basic matters and fail to show your worth to me, I will have to remove you from the group." he says.

I feel like crying to be scolded in front of seven people.

"The client had an issue, father." Love speaks up for me as usual. "His requirements were against our protocols which is why Win declined the offer. Although the payment was high, we can't go against our rules and regulations-"

"Love. I haven't taught you to barge into conversations like this." Love's mother scolds her. I feel so terrible that it's all because of me.

In fact, I know if I fail to prove myself to my parents, they are really going to hand over everything to my elder cousin, whom they adore more than me. They won't stop there. I can remember my father's words when we were teenagers, "If you two disappoint us, you'll have to face the consequences. If you don't work according to our words, you will only be left with a tin can to beg on the streets. I tolerate no disrespect to my name."

He said that after I failed to score all A's in my midterm exams. It wasn't even that crucial. But the little thing disappointed them to a great length.

There were many times that I wished I was dead because of them.

"It won't happen again," I mumble.

"It better not."

Then they talk about a meeting for almost an hour. We only listen with downcast eyes and make no comment unless they ask us a question.

Then we see them off at the doorstep. I close the door behind me.

It's only heavy silence after they are gone. I don't know what to do. More like I am confused, and I can't look at Bright and Film, knowing that we are at a dead end and we cannot continue with our fake act.

"Our frequent visits seem to have made them feel suspicious about the whole thing." Film says as I walk into the bedroom, where I close the door behind me, separating myself from everyone.

Bright comes in after a while, looking concerned.

"I think we should stop... seeing each other like this," I say to him.

He nods at my words, "Really? Do you think so? But I don't think."


"You said it yourself that you'll die if you see me with someone else. Do you want that? And what about me? You take this decision alone. What about the other two?" he asks.

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