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Win's POV

Finally, landing in Korea made me wonder if we have really come this far with our plan.

My lips stretch into a smile as I roll down my bags with me while Love runs before me into her lover's embrace. I hurriedly drag all our bags with me and quickly lean into my lover's touch after being separated for two weeks.

"How was the flight?" Bright asks as we remain still in our hug.

"Exciting. I had some good days with Love before coming here. I missed you, though."

"Aww." he breaks the hug and holds my face, "I missed you too, and it makes my day to see you smiling like this. So, why don't we make our way to my friend's place? It's all ready for us to stay one week."


We get all our things loaded into Bright's friend's vehicle and we reach the destination.

Something feels so good inside me, and I don't even remember that I forgot my anxiety pills back at home. Well, it isn't my home any longer, and I don't think I'll ever need any medication again.

Bright asks me a few times if I really can handle without the medication, and I prove that it is possible by spending five days without them.

Though I feel anxious and bad a few times, I feel like I no longer have the dreadful fear and the feeling of someone choking me anymore.

At night, I sit by the front porch with Love and talk about this magical feeling of finally being free. As we both have only two days to spend together like this, it sounded right to have a deep conversation before we parted ways.

"I really like how good Film smells. She's so neat and tidy, and she never gets mad when I act like a messy bitch." Love says with a little laugh. "Sometimes it's also embarrassing. I cower back like an idiot after doing something wrong, expecting her to scold me and give me cold treatment, but she doesn't really get mad. She only waits for me to correct it. She's really like you, doesn't hurt me."

"So I guess it's true." I agree with her. "When you are with the right people, you don't have to be afraid of judgment or feel guilty for being who you are. We never know what the future holds, but I am sure whatever happens, we won't regret this decision. We can find our inner peace, whatever happens, right?"

"Exactly." Love turns to face me with a smile. "So, my ex-husband, with whom I am divorced right now, what are your plans after going to Canada? Are you going to be a housewife and take care of your hubby while wearing maid costumes, or do you plan to continue your role as a businessman?"

"What the hell." I cuss though I laugh uncontrollably at her words, "Maid costumes!?"

"Who knows? Bright might like that idea." Love says with a wink.

"Oh, shut up, idiot! I am planning to take a break for a while. Bright will spoil me a bit, and then I will start thinking of our future together." I say.

"Uh-huh. I am planning to work as well. I haven't planned anything for now, but I don't want to be a burden to Film. Really."

"You are not a burden to her, I am sure."

We fall into silence afterwards, and Love turns to me again.

"Win. Are we simply going to disappear from our parents' lives, or are we going to let them know about... this whole thing?" she asks.

"I thought of disappearing and letting them know from an outer party. They won't try to reach out anyway. They will be angry at us or embarrassed about giving birth to us. That's it."

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