25/ Dove's Suitor

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Win's POV

"I feel like Dove is big trouble," I tell Bright while tracing my index finger on the blanket. He has his arms around me, scooping me from behind, and I can say that it's my favourite thing now.

"She might have an ulterior motive by showing up, of course."

"She said about a suitor. Love's parents are arranging a marriage for her or something." I say, turning to look at Bright.

"Really? I thought she was back to work in the company or ask for ownership."

"She was never interested in the company. That was for the best. Because imagine two sisters fighting over a company plus homophobic parents plus secret marriage."

"That's messed up."


Bright taps my cheek, and when I look back, he kisses my lips, "Whatever happens, keep your distance from her. We have to be careful for these two years. Alright?" he asks.


I hear the doorbell ring, and my lips part to an involuntary groan. There's always someone bothering and bugging me when I am comfortable. I was thinking of staying like this for a few more minutes before moving to the kitchen to make us a late-morning breakfast.

"I'll take it. You can sleep a bit more." Bright says, unwrapping his arms from around me.

"You forgot something. This is my apartment," I say with a tilt of my head, and he seems to realise what I mean. Bright opening the door would ruin everything. Imagine another man coming out of your neighbour's apartment, neck covered with hickeys, bed hair, and wearing just a pair of shorts, your neighbour's wife is nowhere to be seen.

Damn. Too much drama.

I get down from the bed, and Bright follows me. I wait for him to cross the living room and enter the closet before I open the door.

"Oh.." I look at the man in front of me, my dad's secretary, Mr Gun. He bids me good morning while looking at me from hair to sole.

"Uh..." he mumbles.

"Uhm... give me a minute. I'll change and be right back." I quickly say.

I invite him to the living room and quickly go to my washroom to make myself presentable. Then I walk into the living room, keeping an eye on the closet from where Love stumbles out after a while. She walks out with some clothes, looking normal and then walks into the bedroom after giving me wide eyes.

"Tea or coffee, Mr Gun?" I ask in an attempt to distract him from the interior of the apartment.

He shakes his head, "I just had a coffee. So Mr Metawin, you have to sign some documents."

"What is it about?"

I sit by the sofa in front of him, watching as he keeps two papers on the coffee table. "In conclusion, your father would like you to sign these two papers where it says that 14% of the shares will be given to your elder cousin, Mr Joss Way-ar," he explains.

"What's with the sudden decision?" I ask.

Mr Gun shrugs, "I suppose for personal reasons. He didn't tell me about it."

Oh, well.

You can learn and understand the truth behind the Bermuda Triangle before you understand what's behind my dad's old eyes.

I take one paper and read through it.

It's not like I have any choice regarding these matters anyway. My dad might've sent these papers as usual, just for me to sign and not to consider my opinions. In fact, I hate Joss. He has always had an edge on me for some reason.

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