27/ Divorce Papers

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Win's POV

I look out of the window, watching as a flock of birds fly far in the sky, but the view gets blocked by the tall buildings outside.

I sigh and look down at the porridge in front of me. I move my hands and start eating it while Love watches me as if I am a wonder.

"What's up?" I ask.

She relieves a sigh, "Unconscious for four days, you had me there, Win. I wanted to die so badly seeing you like that! They told me that your dad came and made up a scene. Did that trigger you or something?"

My hands stop midway, and I finally remember the reason I am here in the hospital. I slowly drop my spoon into the almost-empty bowl and clench my hands together.

"What happened?" Love asks lovingly, showing her support as always.

"Panic attack."

"Uh-huh... you didn't have one recently."

"   "

"Your dad was worried about you-"

I cut her off, "Bullshit."


"You know that he doesn't give a damn! He knows that screaming and yelling and all that violence gives me panic attacks, but he doesn't mind." I massage the bridge of my nose and look at Love, "Where's Bright? I want to see him."

"He wanted to come here, but we are in a VIP room. It's not a good idea to let him in when this room is monitored. But I did take a few video calls to show you to him. He has a meeting now. He said he would call in the evening," she says.

"Alright." I fold my arms on my chest with a little frown.

"What's in your mind?"

"I am scared I might not be able to handle this until the end. There are more than six months left to go. I feel like I am losing it," I admit.

"Look into the bright side. If Film and Bright hadn't come to this picture, we wouldn't have any relief at all. Now we have a countdown to look forward to. And in a month, we are going to start with our divorce case in Korea, right?"

"Oh, yeah," I say with a sudden smile.

"Yeah. We can handle this together, okay?"

It doesn't really convince me that much.

Love calls the doctor for a checkup, and he consults me to meet with the psychiatrist down the corridor.

When I sit in front of the psychiatrist, I keep my mouth shut because I don't know what to say. Love speaks on my behalf and explains why we are here.

I refuse to reveal anything about my family background when he asks me, as he probably knows who my father is. I refuse to reveal the reason behind my recent panic attack and the history of collapsing and passing out.

In the end, he recommended me an anxiety medication for three months, which I take with open arms.

In the evening the doctor let me go home and I finally feel relieved.

I go to the apartment with Love only to see Bright still in an online meeting with a client. So I silently make my way to our bedroom and get under the duvet for a nap as I am feeling tired for no reason.

I wake up when I feel Bright's arms around me, and I ease into his touch before turning to look at him. I check the time to see it's only early night and then look at my boyfriend, the cutest human being out there.

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