Tears to Shed

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The Hashiras  Master Master Kagaya,has died due to his family's curse all of the Hashiras were still mourning Rengoku's death the flame pillar who died getting killed by Upper moon 3 also known as Àkaza.With Samiko Sabito Douma's parents and Douma.Samiko didn't choose a bird like the other Hashiras she didn't even decorate hers ever again after Rengoku died. Samiko chose a raven as her bird because she loved  Ravens.Samiko Raven flew around The Eternal Paradise giving the message that the master has died". Muzan teleported with Nakime to the Eternal Paradise because he didn't feel his brother Kagaya presence anymore and he wondered if Samiko new anything about it.Riva Samiko's raven  flew around Samiko and landed in front of Douma."Is that your crow"?Muzan asked Samiko
. Samiko responded to him and said "Yes this is my raven I named her Rika". Rika began to speak and it shocked Nakime "Your raven can speak"! Nakime said in excitement. Yes Samiko said "all the crows can speak even Ravens". Rika please continue what you where saying. Rika "I was about to anyway".  "Your master Master Kagaya has died due to his family's  curse his son Kiriya Ubuyashiki will replace him as the knew Master". Muzan mouth dropped when he found out his brother died he knew it was bound to happen he knew his brother was gonna die at some point but he didn't know he was going to die this soon only at the age of 30. Tears began to fall from Muzan's face he couldn't believe his brother was gone  he lost the only family member he had left he may have his niece and nephews but Kagaya was his older brother.Before Muzan became a demon due to his curse when he was younger he barley couldn't speak if he did he would cough out blood. Kagaya was always there for him even after Muzan killed their parents Kagaya still believed there was good in him.He even became a demon slayer to protect Muzan,even after he meet the Hashira in the past that led to Muzan and Kagaya meeting their biological father who selled them to the family they were staying who the mother couldn't have kids so their father had to make a decision to sell two of his sons somewhere else to live.
Anyway I'm going to write about Muzan and Kagaya past later we just got at school.
The previous demon king before Muzan came in the Ubuyashiki household and saw Muzan right next to Kagaya who was sleeping right beside Muzan. Pity the past Demon King said "They're both related to the Ubuyashiki who trapped me years ago but now I've escaped and I'm Hungry for revenge then he scratched Muzan on the next who was asleep.  Muzan woke up and saw the demon king he started to scream "Mother Father theirs a demon in the house". They came out of the room. Muzan father saw Muzan bleeding by the neck Muzan then started to change into a demon quickly".  Muzan started to growl".  Muzan's mother ran to go fetch some bamboo to put around Muzan's neck but Muzan already blood thirsty took one look at his father and then killed him and blood falls down on the carpet.Muzans mother came in with the bamboo for Muzan "No Muzan what have you done"!!  Muzan then killed his mother the bamboo fell down and his mother layed  their dead. In the morning Kagaya had woken up to the site of his parents deaths blood everywhere where is Mother and Father  where laying down dead he saw  bamboo on the ground right next to his mother. Muzan he'd looked for his younger brother who is now a demon.  Muzan stayed in the shade Kagaya found him blood all over his face he was crying. Did his baby brother just murder their parents? Kagaya thought he's crying he seems terrified maybe he just lost control and killed them. Kagaya went to grab a cloth to wash off Muzan's face he cleaned the blood off he put the bamboo muzzle on Muzan's mouth he shut all the curtains and blinds so the  sunlight wont hurt Muzan. He then  went outside dug a grave for his mother and father. Rest well mother and father Kagaya said to himself after leaving to check on Muzan.Muzan was sleeping just like how Nezuko sleeps Kagaya smiled at the fact that Muzan was sleeping like a child but he knew that it wouldn't last he'd have to face the Hashira and their Master (Kagaya and Muzan's  biological father) And would face treason getting his head cut off by a Hashira dying a long side Muzan.  Nightfall just hit Kagaya crow came. Caw Caw Kagaya Ubuyashiki you have a mission south west head south west I heard theirs a demon lurking around their killing children". Muzan walked with Kagaya going on the mission with him".  They finally arrived at the place near their biological parents mansion". They came to this house with the lights off Muzan smelled blood which he wanted so badly the demon child couldn't control his hunger".  Muzan ran to the house and opened the door his bamboo muzzle fell off". Kagaya "MUZAN NO", Kagaya screamed his name. Muzan saw a demon eating a child". With blood dripping from his mouth.  The demon then started to say to Muzan"Hey kid back off this is my turf". Muzan let out a low growl wanting the blood so badly. The demon then said "Wait a minute kid you have masters blood don't you he turned you into a demon didn't he? Muzan shook his head responding yes he did". So you're the demon prince he chose he then started to bow to Muzan my condolences young Master. He bowed to Muzan. Kagaya then slayed the demon who was bowing to Muzan". And put the bamboo muzzle back on Muzan's mouth. The Ice Hashira then came to the secene he saw the demon being killed and he saw Kagaya "Good job kid you slayed that demon before I came that's impressive". He then saw Muzan with the bamboo muzzle on his mouth. Please help me sir my younger brother he became a demon please don't kill him he's the only family member I have left. What's your name's? Kagaya and Muzan Ubuyashiki he then said". The Ice Hashira stood their in shock your masters long lost kids I'll bring you to him try to keep up he then started running fast they chased after him. They arrived at the Masters mansion". Master I've found them he said  your long lost kids". Muzan stood by Kagaya arrived that the hashira would kill him. Kagaya their biological father said Why dose your brother have a bamboo muzzle? Kagaya "He got turned into a demon and killed our parents well who we thought were our parents. Tears started falling down Muzan's face as he ran to his father hugging him with tears falling down his face.

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