Learning To Be Human Again

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Finally,you've given me A reason to be strong.And we'll stand hand-in-hand till the end. As my body's shaking the futures out their waiting. For me times grasp the light.That's trembling just like my hands.I gotta keep it safe from fading.That's all that I want. The subtle scent of Midnight.I'll spend all thirty nights.I glare up at the stars.Staring into the sky.The path I see before me.I know I can change it That's all that I need.Finally you've given me A reason to be strong.And we'll stand hand-in-hand.TILL THE END! Despite the past mistakes we can't erase A future that we can't escape.As long as I can always keep you safe.Ive gotta be strong.So to your name I'll fight through the pain.This world can beat me down one hundred times but into the light I'll always rise.A lotus flower so pure.Right to the end until it blooms A bright red.I can hear the lightning there's not a song more frightening.And like a storm you can control something in this world,Not everything can be protected.I already know that.Good and Evil they will always interwine.Our true nature hiding beneath the surface.Tell me why Tell me why Tell me why? I don't need you.Like a wild flower growing tall.There's bueaty in the way you live and thrive spite it all.This road is overgrown with deadly thorns.Like an endless night of storms.But for your sake twist and turns.Ill try to be brave.With only my love I'm rising above.above.The dreams I  tried but I couldn't bring to life.And the ones I only see at night.They're rooted deep in my heart.That's we're they'll remain.I'll let them grow wild in my veins.A meaningless conclusion calls.So queitly the curtain falls.A broken scream upon the wall.The shadow of a laughing sound.The sorrow of a heart wishing.Only for love.Only for night.Only for life Despite the past mistakes we can't erase A future that we can't escape.As long as I can keep you safe I've gotta be strong.So to your name I'll fight through the pain.This world can beat me down one hundred times but into the light I'll always rise.A lotus flower so pure.Right to the end until it blooms A bright red. Recap:Samiko:Big brother it burns! She says that as she starts to turn into ash. Sabito:No,No,No,No, NO! I WON'T LOSE YOU SAMIKO NOT YET STAY WITH ME SAM! (Sam is Samikos nickname)  Samiko starts to cry Big brother it hurts! Douma thinks to himself I hate seeing my daughter in so much pain. Samiko turns into ash. Sabito screams NOOOOOOO! (Btw Nezuko is a human Again in this she's already conquered the sun) Nezuko puts a hand on Sabito's shoulder trying to comfort him.(Okay so know this is gonna be a good plot twist) Samiko is heaven Sabito?! It's not burning anymore I'm okay she then looks at a woman standing right next to her smiling she has black and blue hair like Inosuke.Kotoha then says "Hello my daughter". Samiko starts crying Mom she hugs her I've Missed You so much. (Yep that's right Inosuke Samiko and Sabito are siblings Inosuke just doesn't know yet) Kotoha then says You Have A Chance To Chose To Stay in Heaven With Me Or Go Back To Earth And Help With The Battle Of Muzan. Samiko says I want to help with the battle of Muzan.Kotoha:Someone wants to go with you and help. Yoriichi appears. Yoriichi says I want to help and go kill Muzan Kibutsuji I can be very useful during the battle. Samiko eyes widen in shock. Samiko:You Look A lot like Kokushibo. Yoriichi:That is because I am his younger twin brother. Sumiyoshi Kamado appears Sumiyoshi:Bestie can I come with you pleaseeeee I want to see my great great great great great great  granddaughter and grandson. Yoriichi sighs Fine you can also come with us Sumiyoshi.Sumiyoshi:Yay! He hugs Yoriichi.Samiko let's go then they disappear and Samiko reappears on Earth in her new human form. Tanjiro:Sabito look! Sabito looks in teary eyes and he sees Samiko Sabito:S-Samiko he runs over to her and hugs him.Still teary eyed Sabito:Thank Goodness Your alright. Nezuko smiles and says Thank Goodness Your Okay Samiko.Sumiyoshi and Yoriichi the appear. Sumiyoshi:Isn't my great granddaughter just adorable even with her demon fangs Yoriichi Kun! Tanjiro:Your the person I've been having dreams about he looks at Yoriichi.Yoriichi then says It's Just Inherited memories from me saving your great grandfather's family a long time ago. Tanjiro:Really he turns around and looks at his grandfather and can I ask grandfather how are my mother and my father and siblings doing.Sumiyoshi: There doing fine and your father is very proud of you for mastering sun breathing. Nezuko smiles and hugs her grandfather.Yoriichi then says I'm going to find my big brother now I have no time for this nonsense but to find and kill Kibutsuji Muzan. Douma:Who's your brother maybe I can help.Yoriichi:He went by Michikatsu by now his demon name is Kokushibo. Douma:Oh your talking about Uppermoons 1 I can lead you to where he's at Let me take you to the infinity castle come on. Yoriichi follows Douma in the infinity castle. Douma:Kokushibo room is just around that corner. Yoriichi goes to Michikatsu room he sighs a bit wondering how his brother would react after he killed him. (I'm write a little Kokuzan because I ship Kokushibo with Muzan)  Yoriichi opens the door and he sees Kokushibo and Muzan kissing. Yoriichi eyes widen in shock KIBUTSUJI MUZAN! Muzan eyes widen in fear hearing the voice he's feared for a long time he suddenly breaks the kiss. Kokushibo:Muzan what is it?! Muzan starts shaking in fear. Kokushibo turns around to see his younger brother Yoriichi he grits his teeth in anger How the hell are you alive.Yoriichi:You didn't miss me Michi? Kokushibo:DON'T CALL ME THAT I DON'T GO BY AS MICHIKATSU ANYMORE I GO BY AS KOKUSHIBO AND I'M UPPERMOON 1 NOW SO YOU SHOULD SHOW ME SOME RESPECT! Yoriichi:Pfft What would you know about respect when you left your wife and children behind  to become a demon! Kokushibo grits his teeth We'll at least I didn't die! Yoriichi:You're the one who killed me your own younger brother! Yoriichi thinks to himself (Aniki I know why you killed me you just  wanted to be known for something great but when we we're younger when we we're kids I looked up to you like an role model I couldn't talk back then but when you gave that flute I felt so happy because that was the first gift  I have ever resived and I'm grateful that it was from you my older brother)  Kokushibo grits his teeth in anger Nakime teleport me and my brother to a different room.Nakime siting nearby nods and teleports them to an empty room in the Infinity Castle to fight. Kokushibo gets out his old Nirchin sword he hasn't used in years since he battled Yoriichi and turned Kaigaku into demon. Kokushibo mutters the word Moon Breaths 13 Form: Moon-Soaked Metamorphosis. Kokushibo sheathes his sword for a moment to build power it releases a forward slash on Yoriichi. Yoriichi falls down a bit in another floor in the infinity castle but he isn't hurt. Yoriichi than says Yoriichi:Onii Chan we don't have to fight we can sort this out together. Kokushibo grits his teeth Kokushibo:I hate you Yoriichi from the moment we were kids I hate you you where always mothers favorite she gave you special gifts but never tried to give me a damn thing IF YOU WEREN'T BORN MAYBE MOTHER AND FATHER WOULD HAVE STILL BEEN TOGETHER IF YOU DIDN'T HAVE THAT DEMON SLAYER MARK YOU WERE BORN WITH MAYBE I WOULD HAVE BECOME A BETTER DEMON SLAYER THAN YOU! Yoriichi looks at Kokushibo he looks hurt because Kokushibo said that. Yoriichi than mutters the word Sun Breathing  fourteenth form:Fire Circular Slash. Kokushibo gets attacked by Yoriichi attack he screams in pain* Yoriichi says Sorry Onii Chan I had to you were being to harsh. Muzan appears because he heard Kokushibo scream he teleports in front of Kokushibo. Muzan:Kokushibo are you okay are you hurt do you need my help battling him?! he gently caresses  Kokushibo's cheek. Kokushibo:I'm fine Muzan-Sama I don't need your help I can battle my brother on my own plus he knows your weak spots I don't want you getting hurt because of me.Muzan nods I understand Kokushibo but you are hurt really bad so I'm going to help you anyway~ Kokushibo blushes slightly Thank You Muzan.  Sama. Muzan:Your Welcome Kokushibo~ (This is the longest part I've written so far my word count is 1447 btw if you don't like the ship Kokuzan then leave please and if you do like it you are welcome here anyway I hope your are having a great weekend my lovelys I'll see you in the next chapter or we'll when I wrote the next chapter bye bye for now and stay tooned word count:1,504)

 Samiko  Sabito's younger twin sister  My au Demon Slayer Where stories live. Discover now