Chapter 23

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I woke up and seen Harry laying next to me, snoring peacefully..I just wanted to kiss him and not stop.

I smiled and laid my head in back on his chest, listening to his heart beat.

"Babe..?" Harry spoke in a low morning voice, it was really turning me on.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Last night was great." I smiled and felt butterfly's.

"Yes it was Harry." I answered looking in his eyes and pecking him on the lips then getting up.

"Lets go make some breakfast...shall we?" I said laughing.

"Yes we shall." Harry said putting on some boxers and I put some shorts and his t shirt.

We walked down stairs and seen everyone look up and laugh.

"What?" I asked confused, Harry raised his eyebrow.

"God..Harry...." Zayn yelled out in a girls voice.

"Oh my god....." Niall moans out.

My eyes widen and I blush then cover my face, I can't believe they herd, I'm so embarrassed.

"Oh my god!" Harry yelled laughing nervously and grabbing my hand.

"Harry..." Lou yelled out laughing, as everyone joined.

"Stop it, I didn't know you guys were here..?" I said removing my hands from my red face.

"Yeah it was just John that went, we stayed behind...and you guys were having a little to much funny business in your room.." Zayn laughs.

"Oh god, I'm so embarrassed..." I say blushing again.

They all start laughing again and Im just standing here with Harry blushing my ass off, if that's possible.

"Ok, ok boys. Leave the happy couple alone!" Liam spoke up.

"Thanks Li!" I smiled and walked to the kitchen.

I walked in the kitchen and look threw the refrigerator, I grabbed the eggs, bacon, and butter.

"Babe, can you put in the toast?" I turned to ask Harry.

He smiled and nodded walking to the bread and toaster.


We finished eating breakfast and sat to relax with the boys, while me still feeling aquward.

"Lads, are tour is starting next week, we have to get going on that, no more holding it back!" Liam said seriously getting everyone's attention.

"Paul called and informed me, so we have a week and were off for 3 months!" Liam yelled excited. I smiled but frowned, and looked at Harry he was smiling and laughing with the boys.

"Excuse me..." I said and walked to the room, getting some cloths to take a shower.

"Babe?" I herd Harry's husky voice behind me.

"Y-yeah?..." I sniffed and wiped a tear turning around.

"Awh babe, don't cry....we still have a week!" Harry said holding me in a tight comforting hug.

"I-I know but, things just s-started to get, get normal around here..." I said looking up at him.

"I know, but we have to...we already stalled for to long the fans must be mad." He spoke kissing me softly.

"I understand...I want you to go have fun." I said smiling up at him and pulling away, giving him on last kiss and going to take a shower.


Jess is taking a shower now, I feel sad that I have to leave her when we just got things on track but I have to work.

Maybe I'll do something special for her tonight, that's perfect! Ill go get the lads for some help.

I walked down the Stairs and Niall and Natalie were talking together, Liam was texting...he's probably texting Danielle, they finally got back together!! Emily was watching TV, Zayn and Louis was to.

"Niall lad, come here!" I grabbed him and walked to the kitchen.

"Yeah, what's up Harry?" Niall asked confused.

"I need some help, I want to take Jessica on a romantic something special before we leave on tour." I smiled.

"Awh, that's cute Harry! I will help!" Niall smiled and patted Harrys back.

"Ok let's go get things ready, i'll make some dinner reservations and reserve the Beach!" Niall smiled.

"Wait, I think we should do something um, have lunch on the beach and just enjoy are night talking." I smiled.

"That's romantic! I like it!" Niall laughed and we went to go get things ready for tonight.




Hay guys, so this book has almost come to it's end...:( So I'm like planing to end it on Chapter 25, or 30 something around there. Lol so yeah. I'm still writing my other books so check those out. I'm writing a new book, it's called 'Bad Boy' it's a Niall Horan Fanfic! So go check that out. Also I have 'Its Crazy' Zayn Malik fanfic do go check that also. Thanks so much for reading this book, Sad to say once's almost to an end! :( Maybe I will right a Sequel or something...but I don't know for sure so yeah! When it ends ill think if I will, because some authors write a Book 2, maybe I can make a Book 2, and I promise it will be A LOT BETTER lol, but yeah...tell me what u think please comment and tell me, I love when fans tell me stuff about my book! PLZ go comment! <3




Thanks Popsicles! <3 xxxxx

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