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"Hay Natalie?" I called.


"Did you really, leave your phone in the store haha?" I asked curious.

"Oh no, we just waited till you closed the door and hung out with the boys in the back!" She laughed.

"Nice" I laughed along.

"So how was it?" She asked.

"I had fun, I'm glad they came earlier then intended."

"Me too."

'Beep Beep Bee-' the Microwave rung.

I grabbed the popcorn out and Nat got the drinks and we walked to the lounge and set the stuff on the table and I sat next to Harry.

"So what we watching?"

"The Notebook!" Niall called with a smile on his face.

"Love this movie!" I cheered.

Harry chucked next to me and looked down to face me and kiss my nose.

"Your so cute!" He laughed.

"Thank you!" I felt my cheeks heat up.

"Alright lovebirds, lets watch!" Louis rolled his eyes.

I laugh and we continue to finish the movie.

"Wait guys?" I said out loud.

"What's wrong?" Harry asked concerned.

"Where's Jackie?" I ask looking around worried.

"Right here! Sorry I was talking to my parents!" She calls coming in from upstairs.

I laugh and we all do the same, as she sits down and smiles sheepishly.

"Now less get back to the movie, it's coming to the good part!" Harry whined.

I smile and kiss him on the lips nodding and we all finish watching the movie.


"Movies finished!" Liam yelled.

"Sadly..." I smile.

"Guys- and girls!" Liam yelled again and looked at his phone.

"Simons calling!" He smiled and walked in the hall to answer.

"What do you think it's about?" I ask worried they might leave again.

"Not sure Liam will just have to tell us." Harry shrugged.

I sighed and nodded and listened to Niall and Louis bicker about who knows what.

"Alright!" Liam smiles.

"What was it about?" Zayn asked.

"Big news! We're making a movie!" Liam cheered.

We all cheered along and they did a group hug.

"So what's that mean?"

"Where all- when I say all I mean all, -making a movie!" He laughs and we all laugh along cheering.

"Harry!" I smile excited.

He smiles, kisses my lips passionately and hugs me.

"I love you"

"I love you Harry"

---The End---

Hey guys it's finished!

Finally finished.

Please go read my other books, "Stratagem" and "Why" both Harry Fanfictions.

I have 8K reads on this and that's amazing I can't ask for any more or any less, it's perfect. Thank you for taking up your time and reading my book that I put lots of effort in. I know it's been weird reading my book, because of me saying I'm gonna addition for X Factor and stuff, believe me I did...but I wasn't good enough apparently...well thank you for reading again and I love writing now.

Make sure u check out my other books!! I have been trying to improve in my writing.

Thank you so fucking much. xx

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