Chapter 0: The Prologue

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              It was 2025 when Russia and the U.S.A. went into a full war, not nuclear yet, but full war. As the war continued, America's superior weapons were helping them win, It seemed over until Russia became more and more persistent. As in the year 2040, Russia made the Americans question the price of the war as Russia started making extremely expensive for America. They were sending anything and everything not caring what the outcome was, as America, became more defensive as Russia just kept trying to push and push, even going as far to commit some war crimes to push America into dropping the war. America has tried multiple times to come to terms with Russia, but nothing worked.

             As 5 years past, there was a change made. A man named Peter Rashford made a breakthrough, he found a regiment and possibly some way to create superhuman. The only problem was that the human body can't handle the side effects and the training effects to become superhuman body. So, the government signed off on a bill that allowed human test subject to go through this regiment and serum. 5 months later, when Russia decide to attack America in a full scale assault, as they were shooting civilians, multiple solders came running in tanking bullets easily as they pushed Russia out of America. It was then figured out, that there was a way for the human body to go through this program and survive. 

           As the war raged on, this little operations turned into a full scale company called, The Eclipse Protection Agency (EPA). Peter led the company in the beginning, running with an Iron Fist and aggressive style. But, his motto was we do anything to save this nation. As time passes America was able to start punishing Russia with the help of the EPA. Even after the passing off the company to his son, Alex Wallace, and it continued throughout the bloodline. Then the company reached a women named Gabby Adams, the great, great, granddaughter of Peter Rashford. When she lead she helped create multiple different types of serum and training regiments These helped America push Russia to the point of defeat. She wasn't alone though, on her side were her 2 sons; Command Sergeant Jack M. Adams and Sergeant Command Gabriel R. Adams. They both went through the special solder serum and were one of the few people who had multiple serums. See Jack joined at 17 and Gabriel joined at 19 but they were entered at the same time and they both rose through the ranks quickly. Jack quicker than Gabriel because Jack lead from the front and always fought in thew front lines. Gabriel on the other hand rose with order and fought with his men, though with more order and led his men sneakily. Jack loved the attention while Gabriel stayed in the shadow. Though their brotherly love was their, they always have their backs, protect each other, and take bullets for each other. Jack had super human speed, strength, stamina, and a massive assault rifle. He also has some eye wear he uses to help aim easier. Almost like an auto aimer that can lock on to any target. On the other hand, Gabriel, had superhuman durability and intelligence, while also being able to release smoke at a decent amount, but can't control thickness. He also uses 2 shotguns that both hold 6 rounds.

               But on a mission in 2065, Gabby (50) and her 2 sons (21) and (23) were leading a group to Russia. Thanks to Gabriel's espionage, they figured out where the few Russian generals who were pushing everything into this war was at. The plan was for Jack's group to set a border around and take out the guards and anyone who tried to escape, while Gabriel leads a group in and takes out people sneakily. And Gabby would be ready to call back up and make last second changes in the back. As the plan went off,  it was flawless, Gabriel and his group easily took out so many solders in this camp, Jack and his group easily mowed down any person that tried to escape. It was going perfectly, until.....


             A sniper shot rang out. As Gabby started losing her vision, she fell to a knee. She coughs hard, she opens her eyes to see blood stain the grass. Then the pain brought her down to all fours. As blood dripped from her stomach. She starts losing her vision as, she blinked, she saw her two sons running to her before,  closing her eyes. As the hospital beeped, Jack and Gabriel stand outside the medical office. Jack was walking back and forth thinking of every hole that could've been missed, while Gabriel was leaning on the wall replaying the mission in his head. As they wait the nurse walks out she shook her head as both men went in.

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