Chapter 6 Part 4: Chase's Backstory

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A purple gas filled the room. As we all cover our mouth. We all began fainting before D.J. yells out "You won't get away with this!" 


             I was sitting in the back of the armored truck, my sniper in front of me leaning, on my shoulder in between my legs as I look at my feet. As the truck continues moving shaking me and a few other solders. There was then a big jolt as the truck comes to a stop. I then slung my sniper on to my back, as I holstered my two pistols on to my sides. I step out of the truck as I see Jack and Gabriel both in front of the cliff looking over the Russian base. I then look behind to see Gabby walking out with her pistol on her hip. 

"Well men," Gabby spoke as she walked over, "Here's the plan. We get in and take out this big Russian base."

She walked to her 2 sons and put a hand on their shoulders. Jack nodded and stepped forwards as his mother hand slipped off his shoulder, "We are going to take it out, hoping that if we take out there bigger base they slow down their attack," as he finishes saying that he brings his big assault rifle from his back and cocks it. "We should go in and overwhelm everyone and complete the mission," Jack says as he looks at the hundred of people he is leading.

Gabby then walk forward, "Let's move," she says. She then looked back at Gabriel who was still looking over the base, "What is known so far Gabe?" 

Gabriel then looks at his mom before looking back at the base, "2 guards outside, I've seen multiple guards walking around through the windows," he then points to the top window, "Multiple guards have gone to the 3rd room on the 5th story, so something has to be there."

"Corpal Johnson," Gabby called out my name. I stepped up and saluted her, "At ease," she said as I let my hand fall to my side she continued, "Take out the 2 guards at the front."

"Yes ma'am." I said as I unslung my rifle from my back and walked over to where Gabriel was. I took a knee and loaded my gun and looked through the scope.

"And down they go," I say as I released a shot that hit both of them. Both of them hit the ground as blood gushed from their heads, as Scarlett red blood covered the concrete. "Both men are down Sargent." 

"Good, Let's move in and get this job done." She says as everyone starts moving in.

         We move in and were instantly overwhelming the Russian solders that were protecting the place. As soon we split up, a group with Gabby protecting the outside while everyone else, including myself, went inside to take over the base. We were cleaning out house, until Russia let out a trap. We were moving through the base easily, until the floor opened. I grabbed the ledge and caught Jack before he fell down. As I looked down I saw some of our men were down their and a heavy black gas started coming out and the men down fell down losing oxygen and face turning a blueish-purple color with black veins popping out.  I Then gather my strength and toss Jack up out of the hole. I then was hanging by both my hands waiting for Jack to pull me up.

"Ayo commander help me up," I say trying to get Jack's attention. 

I barley look over to see Jack rushing the survivors out. "Back up men, we need to get back."

"Wait what about any survivors?" One of the men asked.

I was about to yell I'm here, but before I did Jack spoke up, "Look, no one is surviving in that hole, whatever gas was released is dangerous and killing everyone," My eyes widened as I saw him push everyone out. He looked at me as I looked in disbelief. He then left as I forced myself out of the hole, but started losing my breath. I fell to the ground, both arms on the ground in my knees as I cough out some blood and a black sludge, I was losing my sight before I felt myself be picked up. I saw Gabriel holding me in a fireman carry holding his breath before I blacked out.

            I then wake, as I do I instantly began puking as a mix of yellow, black, and a little red came out of my mouth, into a trash can. As I finish my body feels weak, I look up to see lights.

"What happened?" I asked.

"That's what I was gonna ask you," someone said. I looked over to my right to see Gabriel standing there.

"What do you mean?" I asked weakly and confused.

"Why were you still in there?" Gabriel asked as he cross his arms, "Jack said there were no survivors."

I put my hand onto my head as my body starts slightly hurts, "He lied," I said Gabriel stayed silent waiting for me continue, "When the trap went off I was able to grab the ledge and grab him before we both plummeted into the hole. I then threw him up before hanging off the ledge. I barley pulled my self up before hearing him tell everyone to retreat, some of them wanted to try and save their friends, but he pushed everyone out." I said.

"That makes more sense, though not what everyone else believes," Gabriel said.

"What?" I asked as I look back at Gabriel.

"Chase, Jack said you went back in under direct orders not to, causing you to be let go from duties till further notice," Gabriel said. My eyes widened I looked into my hands, "But..."

"But what?" I asked already prepared to hear worst news.

"Your gonna be working under me as an assassin," he said. I looked over at him confused. "Look Chase, your an extraordinary sniper and your skills shouldn't go to waste, especially since you went through the training and serum, and I heard Russia has some spies here that need to be taken care off.

I nodded, "Let me know who I need to take care off then Gabriel," I say emotionless.

"Rest up then we'll talk," he says as he left the room.



        "Another one down Gabriel," I say as I move my sniper to my back and climb down the ladder.

"Good job, go back to the base," Gabriel answers back through the ear piece.

"Yes sir," I say as I hop on my motorcycle and drove away. As I drive I decide to listen to the news.

"And in other news, in an attack where USA almost cleared out Russia's main base, Gabby Adams has been hit and is in critical condition." Shock came across my face, I then realized what to be ready for.

       Gabriel kicked down the door as I follow behind him, the Russia main general backs into a wall as we walk to him.

"Wait, please don't ki-" before he finish I pulled out my pistol and shot him as Gabriel lights a match and sets the place a blaze. Me and him both run out before the fire catches us. Then a Russian solder tackles Gabriel into a room, I quickly pull out my pistol and shot him in the back of the head. Gabriel then pushes him off as I help him up and run out. We both make it out as we both start breathing heavily.

"Thanks," Gabriel said.

"No need, you did it for me, I'll always have your back commander," I said as we both chuckled.


               I wake up in a room that I don't know, I then put on a shirt and walk out, I look out to see Gabriel with white hair, I walkover to him and dab him up to a hug.

"How have you been Gabriel?" I ask

"Good you," he says back.

"You know me," I say happily.

"Good, cause we have somethings to catch up on," he said and I nod.

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