Chapter 6 Part 2: Jade's Backstory

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A purple gas filled the room. As we all cover our mouth. We all began fainting before D.J. yells out "You won't get away with this!" 


                                                                    March 25th, 2060, Dallas, Texas 

             The morning sun rose as I stretch and yawn. I rub my eyes as I look around my room. Smiling at my drawing of different animals. 

As I sit on my bed for a bit, I hear my father call for me, "杰德,下来吧,"

"科明父亲," I yelled back.

I dress up in a pink flowery dress and run down stairs. As I get down stairs I see my father at the stove cooking something. I run up and jump on his back and wrap my arms around his neck in a hug. My father steady's himself before holding me on his back. We both are laughing as he spins with me on his back for a bit, before setting me down. After he does I go to their room to hug my mother. As I enter the room I see my mother in front of a mirror, brushing her purple hair that flowed the air, and her green eyes entrancing anyone who looks at them, I run up and hugged her. She caught me with some shock before she smiled warmly and stroked my hair. I nuzzled into her neck enjoying her fingers going through my hair.

"早安我可爱的女儿," my mother said with grace.

"早安妈妈," I said back as I hug her, "今天你要做什么?"

"我要去商店," She answers as she moves me onto her lap.

She then starts combing my pink hair as I kind of lean into it. She combs my hair for a little bit before setting me down. I smile before running back to eat breakfast. 

           After eating, I went with my father to the dojo. I watch him practice the fan fighting style with quick kicks and quick slash. As I was watching memorized, the door opens. I look back to see my mother walking in with a boy, who looks a little older than me, with a lot of bruises. I walk over curious and concern about the bruised boy.

"发生了什么?" I ask my mother, who set the boy carefully down on the couch. 

"他正在和一些男孩打架," She answers as she starts bandaging his bruises.

       I leave my mom to what she does as she treats the boy, as I go back to watching my dad train. After a few minutes, my dad stops, as my eyebrow raises in confusion. 

"很高兴看到你醒来," he said as he looked at something behind me. After a bit he then said, "Glad to see your awake," Which confused me even more.

I then look behind me to see the boy is now awake. I walk over as he tries to stand up, though he falls I quickly caught him and helped him stand.

"I'm Jade, how about you?" I ask with a wide smile.

"Name is Jai, Jai Winston," he answers.

My father then introduced himself, as they continue talking I take in every place he has a bruise or cut that wasn't covered on his body. After a bit I realize Jai had tears in his eyes. My dad then ask if he's ok and he quickly wipes his tears and shakes his head yes. I then realized that he doesn't have anywhere to go.

"他可以和我们一起住吗爸爸?" I ask looking at my dad.

"我不认识玉," My father answers as he puts his hands on his hips.

"请父亲?" I plead, doing my best pleading eyes. pleading eyes.

"问他愿不愿意," My dad said giving up to my pleading eyes.

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