Chapter 3: The Next Morning

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       As the morning sun starts to rise, and the moon starts to fall with the night. The silence becomes disturbs as an alarm goes off. Chase is the first to come out of his room, wearing a white wife beater and black shorts, as he walks out he goes to the computer and turns off the alarm. As he does Tari and Jai both follow as they exit their rooms. Jai wearing some yellow baggy sweatpants and is shirtless as Tari is wearing a blue sleeveless shirt with some baby blue pajamas pants with some ducks on them.

"Good morning Tari and Jai," Chase said as he finishes turning off the alarm.

"Good morning Chase," Jai says as he stretches.

"(Yawn), Good Morning." Tari said as she scrubs her half open eyes.

As Tari and Jai grab cereal a smell hit's Chase's nose. He looks around and covers his nose cause it smells bad. As Chase looks around Jade exits her room stretching, followed by D.J. exiting his room. Jade was wearing a pink sports bra with some pink leggings as D.J. was wearing black sweats and no shirt.

   Everyone greeted each other, other than Chase, as they all searched for something to eat. Meanwhile, Chase starts walking around the room following the awful stench. As he follows it, he finds the origin of the smell as it's overpowering. He looks to see it's coming from a supply door that's closed. He walks back, as Jade, Tari, D.J., and Jai are all eating some cereals, biscuits, and eggs, and enjoying some small conversation. When they all saw Chase walk into his room. They were all confused when they saw Chase walk out with a pistol.

"Ayo Chase, what's happening?" D.J. asked as he looks at Chase with worry.

"There's a stench from the supply closet and I don't know what it is," Chase explains as he continues walking.

"Tari get in contact with Ms. Davies, D.J. and Jai follow Chase in case he needs back up," Jade explains. 

      D.J. and Jai caught up to Chase and the stench hit them both hard.

"Jesus, the hell is that smell!?" D.J. yells as he covers his nose.

"Bro that stinks badly," Jai adds, "Like What the fuck is making that smell."

Chase then shushes both of them. They both jogged over to Chase who was by the door and they both smell the stench as it's very strong. Chase then opens the door as he puts his gun up while D.J. and Jai both get into fighting stances, only for them to drop as the smell overpowered them to cough. They all moved from the door as they drop to their knees as the smell starts pushing around the base. As Tari and Jade caught a whiff of the smell.

"Eeeewwww, what is that smell," Jade states as she pinches her nose. Tari followed in suite as she pinched and turned her head from the stench as she shut her eyes tight.

D.J., Jai and Chase enter the room Jade and Tari are in, covering their nose.

"Let's open these windows." Chase says. 

             And that what was done as all windows were opened, they all stood in the hall that lead to the supply closet. Jai had his hands in his pocket as he looks at the room, D.J. was leaning on a wall lost in thought, Jade had her fans open as she looks fiercely at the door, Chase had a pistol on him as he looks at the room with indifference, while Tari hid behind them fearful of what's in there. They start moving to the door all careful of what is inside. As they turn the door they all look in shock and horror.

After a few minutes, Chase breaks the silence, "Someone get Ms. Davies here now, we may have a problem." 

        A few minutes, Ms. Davies and a few solders came in. The solders instantly go into search mode as the look at the body, anything on him, any weapons with prints, they also look around the hideout. Ms. Davies walks over to team overwatch who were sitting there, they all just got done being questioned and just seem completely out of it.

"Everyone ok here?" Ms. Davies ask as she walks up to the group.

"As well as we can be," Chase answers rubbing his forehead.

"I mean how can we be," D.J. starts pushing himself off a wall he was leaning on, "We seen a guards body headless pinned to a wall with some swords, and his head on a box Infront of him with a gag." D.J. finish as he put his head into his hands .

"He was in so much pain," Tari adds horrified, "His face showed it." she starts tearing up.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," Ms. Davies said softly.

While everyone was in deep thought Jade's mind kept doing back to the guards headless body, it shifted from her father hanging that same way then back to the guard, as it also showed the head on the box it went from that to her mom with her neck slit on the wall. And the she heard, "我們愛你,我們知道你會糾正這一切," Jade get taken out of her thoughts as Jai begins shaking her.

"Huh?" Jade looks at Jai.

"We got a mission," Jai said as he stands up.

"Alright," Jade nods and goes to her room.

As Ms. Davies see's the final 2 go to their rooms a solder walks up to behind her.

"Ms. Davies you got a call," He said.

"From who?" She answers not looking.

"Jack Adams," As he said that, she instantly curses under her breath.

"How important?" She asks as she grabs the phone from the solder.

"It's about what we find," She nods then shoos him away.

"Hello sir?" She asks as she puts the phone to her ear.

"You know why I called," A deep voice answers over the phone. "Are they there and is anything missing?"

She looks around to make sure no one is around before putting the phone back to her ear, "No, Team Overwatch is here and doesn't seem any files are missing."

"Then why did Gabriel attack?" Jack asks.


In a dark room a man is looking out a window spinning a pen through his fingers as an elevator dings.

"Well if it isn't A.J. and T.J." A deep, rough, menacing voice says, "So, how did the mission go."

"It went well Gabriel." A.J. answers as he tosses a hard drive that Gabriel caught it.

He nods and smiles, "Who would've thought that team overwatch were people who grew up here, you 2 are dismissed good job." 

They bow as they leave Gabriel looks at the hard drive "Everyone should be back to where they should be,"

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