Chapter 7: The Comeback

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After the moment silently died down, they then began walking to a big black room with purple and blue lights lighting the room up, its connected to a kitchen with a kitchen island. There were three couches a purple one in the middle facing a 50 inch TV, with 2 black couches on the sides facing each other. Everyone sat around the couches and chair as Gabriel stands in front of the TV, arms crossed. As everyone sat down and the noise died down.

Gabriel then uncrossed his arms and began speaking, "So, we need to talk," He takes a slow, audible breath before continuing, "There are somethings that need to get out there."

As he says that everyone starts listening more carefully as their expressions loose their softness and turn more seriousness, as the once happy tension of the reunion turns sour and saddens the aura of the place.

"As you know, when the LOA was founded, the best scientists were tasked with figuring out how to make the strongest warriors the safest way, right," everyone nodded as he nods then continues, "Well that's not all they did."

"What do you mean that's not all they did?" D.J. asks as he leans forward in his chair.

"They did some experiments on Russian war inventions to figure out how they work," Chase answered, "Gabby did this to figure out the best way to counter it."

"Correct, but some of those scientists, worked under Jack the same way Chase worked under me." Gabriel said leaning against the wall.

"So they worked under your brother, so what?" Jade ask, tilting her head a bit.

"Some of those "inventions"," Gabriel said with some venom in his voice when he said inventions, "turned into my brothers war inventions."

"L-l-l-like w-what?" Tari asked scared.

"For example, the gas, he made a few of them for different things," He said as he turned on the TV.

The TV showed pictures of different color smoke/gas on the screen.

"The clear gas, A.K.A. The unseeable knockout gas, is a simple gas that can knock someone out," A picture of nothing popped up, "It has a somewhat sweet and smokey smell mix, it takes a little before you knockout as it's a hidden gas."

The TV then changed to another picture is a purple gas, "This is the gas I used on you, it's a gas that can undo any type of gas that was used on you," he said as he looks a little bit at the TV, "this was the gas that we used to reverse the effects of the gas warfare Russia use, rendering their gas useless."

The TV then changed to a black gas as Chase shivered a bit before he looked away. Gabriel looked at him and nodded to him, Chase then nodded back before looking back at the screen. "This is the black gas, the 2nd deadliest gas, but the one that usually kills people," Gabriel breath hitches a bit as he looks at it.

"It cause uncomforting pain before putting you in bliss while killing you, the more exposure the less you feel, It makes your skin go blueish, purplish while making your veins pop with black sludge, racing. If not taken care of quickly it's fatal," Chase says looking at the ground.

D.J. pat Chase back, Chase looks back and gives him a small smile. before looking up. "Your correct," he then looks back at the TV and changes it to a yellow gas, "The most dangerous of the gasses, this yellow gas."

"How so?" A.J. ask.

"Yeah, if the black gas can kill you what makes this more dangerous," T.J. said.

Everyone begin agreeing and conversing, Gabriel then cleared his voice as everyone started to quiet down. "The yellow gas pretty much can reset your mind."

Silence was in the room, everyone look at Gabriel with shock as he looks down, "and this is the one Jack made in secret."

As the words left Gabriel mouth, the room fell into a deaf silence, no one moved and no one batted an eye. Everyone looked at the man with a wide face, as he keep his head down.

"What do you mean?" Jade ask.

"Jack recreated the gas to turn it from deadly to become a mind numbing drug that locks memories and knowledge of your old self. In other wells, you are a shell of your former self and a puppet of anyone." Gabriel says as he looks back at the TV.

"So your saying that, whoever uses that gas, basically gets a free puppet?" Chase ask looking at Gabriel.

Gabriel sighs, he then turns around and looks at everyone of them, he then looks back at the TV, "..yes, at first there wasn't enough to be a problem, but then Jack started to use it more and more."

The room fell quiet again, "he then attacked here while I was gone, A.J. and T.J. escaped before they could be caught, but everyone else was captured."


Chase just walked into the room, his sniper rifle on his back, as he was walking in, Jade and Jai were sparring in hand-to-hand combat on one side of him, as Tari was on computers seemingly doing something. He walked into the living room and sees D.J. on the couch watching TV.

"Where's Gabriel?" Chase ask as he unsheathes his gun and puts it on the table checking to make sure it's in good condition.

"He went out to meet someone, wouldn't tell me, A.J. and T.J. followed him," D.J. answers.

Chase nods his head, before a sweet scent filled their nose, "Who's cooking today?"

D.J. then get's a whiff of the sweet scent, but he almost smelt a little smoke as well, "I don't know, but smells like they are done."

D.J. and Chase followed the scent to the door, as they were walking to the door, Jade and Jai joined them as Tari walks a little behind them. Just as D.J. was about to callout, he felt woozy, as the sweet scent began to smell sweet and smokey. add that a yellow gas began to fill the room. They all fall as a figure enters the room, "Pick them up before Gabriel get's back," he said.

"Yes sir, Commander Jack." one of the solders said as they began to pick up the fallen people.


"That's what we know," A.J. says.

"So, what now?" D.J. asks. Everyone then looks at him, "We are back now, but Jack is doing whatever he wants right now with no repercussions,." he continued.

"We bring him justice, either by force, law, or breaking his will," Jai says with a fire in his eyes.

"As much as I want to, this is gonna need a plan with perfect details." Gabriel says.

"Then we might as well get to planning," Jade says standing and stretching.

What-" Gabriel begins.

"If Jack already got a head start, then he won't think we are on his tail, let's start catching up to him," Jade says before looking up at Gabriel.

He looked and saw everyone standing up ready to rally with him.

"Well then, time for the Shadow Saviors to fight back."


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