Chapter 2: The Night That Changed Everything

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           The ding was heard as the five stepped out the elevator. Tari quickly went to the couch and grabbed her switch as she instantly went to gaming. While she instantly was playing games on the couch, everyone else went to their rooms.

            As Jade enters her room, she looks to see her pink. purple, and lavender wave walls, on her wall is her father and mother standing on either side of her. She put on a somber smile as tears threatened to escape. She walks over to the picture and looks at it, she then walks to her bedside and sets her fans down on her bed. She then walks to a ritual site that had her parents pictures all around it. "親愛的爸爸媽媽,希望你們仍然用愛和關懷來看我。並且知道我永遠不會忘記你," Jade says in her native tone as her eyes close and on her knees a little bent as tears fell down a bit. She finishes up and wipes the tears from her eyes. She then grabs a pink shirt, with a fluffy purple sweater and black leggings as she goes to the bathroom. In her mind though the thought of her parents dying 2 years ago when she was 16.

          As Jai enters his room he instantly throws his jacket off his body, he then looks into a mirror. He puts his head down, "親愛なるハティさん、速攻で危害を加え、死に至らしめるスタイルを使ったことを許してください。私の行動はすべて友人と私自身の幸福のためなので、ご容赦いただければ幸いです," he then rises his head and goes to the bathroom as he splashes water on his face, shaking his head then drying with a towel. Then images flashes through his head as a destroyed building floods his mind as he put his hands on his head and shutting his eyes tight, clenching his teeth. Once the images stop, he walks out the bathroom and side kicks a dummy, it goes flying into a wall. "破壊された道場のためにも、私はもっと強くならなければなりません。"

D.J. enters his room, instantly taking off the suit. 'Thank god I can stop wearing this," as he takes off the whole suit he instantly puts on a black t-shirt with a sentence saying "Feel Good, Play Good." In a goofy white font, then throwing on a black sweater and black sweatpants. He then turns around and sees himself in a mirror. He then receives a small headache. 

'C'mon you shall be the perfect fighter.'  As a shadow figure slowly approaches him.

He was then back in his room as he puts his head back on his head. "Who the fuck is that?" D.J. thought as he looked back at the mirror. He walks to it only to see himself in a pod then back to his reflection. He blinks a bit before looking away. "Jesus Christ." He says to himself.

        Chase enters his room as the door closes behind him, he presses a button as a wall of weapon rises. He takes off the sling of a sniper and puts it in its spot. He then grabs dual submachine pistols from his side and puts them in. As he closes it assault rifles, pistols, sniper rifles, submachine guns, throwing knifes, and shotguns all are in this gun case as it lowers. He then takes off the jacket, as he also removes his body armor to reveal so many unhealed scars on his body. Chase looks into a cracked mirror and sees his scars. 

"I can't believe how long it's been." He says as his hands run down the mirror, "Went from assassin to fighting in the war at the end, to now working here. And yet I still haven't retired. " 

Chase just walks into the bathroom.

        Tari was enjoying playing animal crossing on her switch. As she was a hologram came from her metal arm showing her the code and quickest way to win the game. She shooed the it away as she looks at her metal arm. She saddens as she doesn't feel her fingers running over her arm, yet also feels the smooth, cold metal as the blue hues over the arm brighten and darkens collecting data. Other than coming here, she doesn't even know her past nor how she got this arm. Even to be real, she knows she's the youngest, yet the smartest with tech only cause of her arm.

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