Chapter 1: Late Night Rendezvous

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                                                                                     June 25th, 2072 

              As the sun begins to set, with the vibrant purple and yellow covered the city of New York. A blacked out van was driving quickly as it stops for a few seconds. It then turns into a worn down, With a very stained white wall exterior. Some rusty crates stood outside as some weeds and grass were overgrown on the outside, as there were cracks in the concrete and the driveway to the warehouse. 

"Alright they just entered the building," and older white man with a blackish-grayish freshly cut beard looked through the scope of a sniper rifle. He seemed to be wearing a black jacket with some greyish armor with black camo pants and knee pads. His hand moved from his ear as he kept his eye on the building.

"Alright Chase we'll start moving in." A teen voice said from the other line. As we see a light skin male teen in a suit with a briefcase in his hand. 

2 figures then jump down behind him. "So, are they there?" A sweet feminine voice said.

"You know it Jade." The teen said as he turned around. The two figures walk out wearing all black, one was a girl who has pink hair that went to her but in a ponytail, she had green eyes and fair skin, she also has 2 silver fans with dragons carved in them. She was wearing a black long sleeve crop top with black sweatpants. Next to her was a man around 6'0 with an athletic body, he is light-skin wearing a black open jacket with no short underneath, Black gloves, some tight black sweatpants, and some shoes that has a reflection. 

"So what's the plan again?" The male asks as he adjust his gloves.

Then Chase came back on through the radio, "D.J. will infiltrate through, both Jade and Jai will watch from the shadow." 

Then a meek voice came over the radio as Chase finished, "I will hack into any electric devices from the car and watch from the cameras."

"Do you see Devon Bailey in there Tari?" D.J. asks as him, Jade, and Jai start walking to the warehouse.

"No, seems like he sent his lackeys their." Tari answers as typing is heard.

"So, why do I still need to infiltrate?" D.J. ask as they reach the gate.

"Because they do have a case that Ms. Davies says we need to capture," Chase answers over the speaker, "also you have some guards walking around outside."

D.J. cursed to himself, he then looked at Jai and Jade who are waiting following him. "How many?"


"And there are 10 people inside," Tari adds to Chase answer.

"We got 5 outside, let's make it quick," D.J. said 

Jade unsheathes her fans and opens them as Jai smirks and cracks his knuckle. D.J. just puts his head into his hand and sighs. As he looks up, Jade and Jai are already entering. He then presses his earpiece, "Chase prepare  for this to go south."

"Roger that."

D.J. then enters as he puts his hand inside his suit. The 2 guards at the door stop him, but before they speak, the one on the left got met with a foot connecting to his face. Before the guard could react, a fireball consumes him. Jade then walks forwards as her fans cool down, Jai walks to the man he kicked and hits him with an axe kick, knocking him out completely. D.J. then sighs again before taking off his suit and tie. 

"Chase, finish them off we are going in loud."

"I'm too old for this."

      Chase then goes back to his scope and with one bullet kills all three guards, as the shot rang out. Just as D.J., Jade, and Jai kicked in the door, a blue hair girl with short hair covering one of her blue eyes, with a zipped up blue jacket and white skin, also having a cybernetic right arm, while also wearing khakis. She was in a black mustang in an alleyway, on a laptop with numbers on the screens. She just finished typing and picked up the radio next to her. 

"Lights should be off in 15 seconds." She says into the radio.

"Alright Tari, we'll take care of it." D.J. said back over the radio.

D.J. pulls out dual pistols as Jade and Jai instantly jump into actions. All three of them put on some glasses, as the lights turn off. As the lights shut off, Jade instantly started attacking some of the members, moving gracefully while her fans light up with fire. Jai on the other hand quickly got up close and was showing off quick strikes and taking out other guards. D.J. silenced dual pistols were light up as he shot up some more members. As the action calms down and the lights calm down there was a blood bath. As they look around a sniper shot rang out.

As it calms down, Chase voice came over the radio, "You missed the one with the briefcase," 

"Thank you for the save," Jade says, Chase just sighs over the radio.

             As D.J., Jade, and Jai recovered the briefcase, they left the warehouse. As they left the warehouse a black mustang pulls up. The window rolls down as Chase and Tari both in the front seat.

"I hope you know, y'all are cleaning this car." Chase said as he unlocks the car.

"You mean Jade and Jai, I'm clean." D.J. said while pointing at them.

Jade and Jai laughed, then they tried to hug him, he instantly ran away from them. Tari giggles at Jade and Jai antics while Chase rolls his eyes with a small smile. As they get in, Jade and Jai hugged him making him all covered in the blood from the bloodbath they created.

           They drove to into a parking garage as they drove in, they drove to a corner, then a scanner scanned the car. The wall then opened as Chase drove the car down a floor as the wall closed back up. They then parked the car, they hopped out and went to an elevator. As they entered Chase pressed a button that said B, and they went down.

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