Chapter 3.5 - We're Leaving for Greece!

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After two hours process of security and that bullshit, it was finally time to go on the plane. I was next to Celine and Flora. Jolene, Luka and Allison were behind us and Beatrix, Ellie and Nora were in front. The algebros were on our plane, Great. Now Ellie and Nora will not shut up about how "hot" Tyler and Onceler are. Celine made Beatrix switch seats with her, so Celine can lay on Nora's shoulder to go to sleep, Celine loves sleeping.

Wow, I actually realised how long it's been since I last smoked. I am proud of myself, man fuck Mary for making me take those things. She is on our plane right now actually, with Lapis and Luna. I am just going to ignore her.

The plane was about to take off, and Nora screamed "GREECE HERE WE COMEEE!!" and Ellie just, screamed... It reminds me of that one time in 8th grade when we got to go to Ibiza, and Mary threw confetti EVERYWHERE and started blasting "We're going to Ibiza", Somehow on that trip we were allowed to stay up as late as we want, and drink alcohol (SOMEHOW??) we had all the freedom. It was awesome. Anyways, back to the Greece topic, basically Nora and Ellie just spent like 10 minutes talking about how hot Onceler and Tyler is, I really don't see it. They stared at the both of them, hopefully they can get with them. But they caught Ellie and Nora staring, and gave eachother a stare. I laughed.

At the back of the plane, was like the funniest friend group ever, the gang. Mari, Scarlett, Alec, Gregorio, Quinn and Ethan. They never fail to make anyone laugh, you could hear them being loud as fuck at the back, but it was so fun. Then there was James and Elijah, James is that overly flirty guy, he loves Frank Ocean and he plays the ukulele. And Elijah, my ex, he plays sports a LOT. He is the leader of the school soccer team. On the other side of the plane, you could see Maeve, Caleb and Caroline. Maeve and Caleb are dating, and Caroline and Caleb are siblings.

There are MANY people on the plane from our group, the year group is outnumbered by females though, which I like. Like, my friend Rae, she is so chill, but sadly she is on the other plane, and I am quite close with Valentina, she's sweet.

21 hours later

Well, that flight was so long, Celine fell asleep for most of the time, And laid on Nora's shoulder. It was so cute. "And Celine like - fell asleep on MY SHOULDER??" Nora stated, confusingly. "Hehehehe, You guys DEFINITELY like eachother..." Jolene blurted in. "Shut the fuck up will you??" Celine said, angrily.

We got off the plane, met with the other group, apparently they got the TIME of their lives. "Yeahh, and we got like McDonalds, and subways!!" Camilo announced. I could already tell this guy is annoying. "Not like you deserve it, not after what you did to the trio in 9th grade." Tyler responded. Nora blushed and smiled.  I don't get it, the other plane got takeaway food while WE had to eat that disgusting plane food? Their plane seats were apparently like couches, with pillows and TVs, and a speaker they could control. while we got the most basic ass plane.

"I missed staring at Alejandro!! He is so hot!!" Beatrix stated. Ellie and Nora OBVIOUSLY shook their heads, as they found Onceler and Tyler hotter. However, Ellie found Tyler ugly, Nora found Onceler ugly. We soon seen Alejandro, Tyler and Onceler all talking, they were like a trio from what we saw. Camilo looked at them, and side eyed them, We think he is friends with Draco and Bakugo.

Our bus arrived, to bring us to the hotel, when wr finally got there, our homeroom teacher sorted the rooms, I had to share a room with Beatrix, Ellie and Nora. It feels kind of weird being without Allison on a school vacation, but i was fine.

When we got to the room, Nora was spraying HEAPS of so..? spray, beatrix was doing her makeup and ellie was changing her outfit for the beach. I was just there, writing in my journal. We all started a conversation although I zoned out, all i remember is them saying something about stalking and something about their crushes and something about how to get with them.

We went to the beach, and we seen Arthur and Keith. "Hey sooo have you seen your friendsss????" Ellie asked awkwardly. "Well not exactly, only really seen Tyler and Onceler with Alejandro!" Arthur stated. "And where are they??" Beatrix added. "Last place we seen them was in the bar, at the hotel." Keith announced. We walked away, "This could actually be our fuckin chance, to talk to them!!" Beatrix said excitedly, "I'll be PERFECT at this. I am literally THE rizzler." Nora responded. I rolled my eyes, why are they SO obsessive, it's kinda weird... no offence...

We arrived at the bar, and first people we saw was Daniella and Rae, they were just sitting there chatting, playing card games. "Hey girls, did you know who Ellie, Nora and Beatrix l-" I tried to say, but Nora covered my mouth. "What??" Daniella asked, confused. "Nothing, its nothing!!" Nora giggled. We walked away, and that's when the main stuff started to happen.

We seen Tyler, Onceler and Alejandro sitting at a table drinking cocktails, "Alejandro looks so hot when he drinks," Beatrix remarked, I personally disagree with her but whatever... "Oh my god, Onceler smokes just like you Sarah!! He looks so fine." Ellie expressed. "Shut the fuck up, I hope you know that it WAS Mary's fault, I literally haven't smoked for weeks!" I huffed, I despise when people make jokes like that. "And there is Tyler looking hot as usual." Nora blushed. All of this shit that they are saying keeps going through my head and I honestly don't get HOW they find them attractive.

About 3 minutes later, Ellie and Nora caught Onceler and Tyler smiling at each other, I seen that they were blushing at each other a LITTLE. "Oh my god, Ellie did you see that?? They smiled at each other." Nora beamed. "He looks SOOO cute!" Ellie smiled. Me and Beatrix stared at them because we were concerned.

A few hours later, I really wanted to sleep, but it wasn't until about 2am I got to sleep. I met up with Celine, Flora, Jolene and Luka during the night. Celine wanted us to stay up late, she was showing us her new clothes and accessories, as her and Flora went shopping.

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