chapter 7 - the war

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hii before reading this chapter has a slight topic of nsfw so feel free to skip this chapter if you feel any discomfort !!

Sarah's POV:

Tomorrow, me, Flora, Celine, Jolene and Luka are all going to plan everything out. But I also want to ask Allison why she thought it was okay to publicly tell everyone that, I think I might ask her.

So that's what I did, I messaged Allison asking where she was, she was in her room with Sadhbh and Gregorio. "Allison, why the fuck did you do that?? The algebros lives are already in danger right now." I asked, firmly. She responded, "Well they just HAD to know, and how are their lives in danger??" I had to tell Allison everything, I trust her a lot after all, "Well, Ellie, Beatrix and Nora are planning so much stuff, Celine is being a spy right now, and telling us everything." I explained.

Now, Allison has joined our alliance. She has access to the office so she can make public announcements, so she WILL be very useful. "We have our ways, don't worry." Sadhbh continued.

Nora's POV:

We're making the move NOW, they have to be asleep. Beatrix is doing skincare, while we told her we will be back soon. We're going to look into Tyler's room, and see what he is up to.

As we all know, they take drugs. And I have the PERFECT idea, what if we like, find some kind of drug to make them fall in love with us?? I know we're lowkey ruining their lives but WHATEVER!!

We got to Tyler's room, Ellie took a peek in. All we could hear was, TYLER AND ONCELER?? Are they like, together?? Nevertheless, I will record a sex-tape of them. It'll be so hot watching it every night with Ellie.

"You are SO hot shirtless~" Onceler giggled, "Cmon hottie; grip onto my hair~" Tyler moaned, "We need to make out right now, I can't help it~" He added. They made out and I recorded it all. Honestly, I am sick of this, I am sick of my biggest crush ever not liking me, NOW ITS TIME I RUIN THEIR LIVES EVEN MORE.

Me and Ellie went to tell Celine and Beatrix everything that happened, and now we're planning to ruin their lives. We will put cigarettes and illegal drugs on Tyler and Onceler's table, and then leak all the videos we have of them.

- a few hours later -

Onceler's POV:

Today Jacob told me that there are two girls stalking us and watching our every move. But why? Are they going to out me and Tyler's relationship? I don't even know their names, but I am very scared of what is going to happen.

I feel like the best idea is to report this, but I just need more information because all of this is so overwhelming. A few minutes later, a tall brunette girl came over to me, "You do know that people I know fancy you, tyler and alejandro and theyre stalking you like crazy?" She said. "I'm Sarah by the way." Sarah. I've heard that name before. Sarah then told me how she was planning to check the girls rooms, just for my own safety.

"Oh, okay," I responded. "You can trust me by the way, I am very loyal!!" She reassured. I trust people way too easily however Sarah seems like someone I can trust. She smiled, "Do you want a cigarette?? Uh, only of you smoke..." She offered, I usually only smoke when I'm around Tyler, but not often. Besides that, I don't smoke, vape, or do drugs.

"Would you like to come to my room to sort everything out??" I asked, "Okay, can I invite a friend too?? Her name is Luka." I agreed.

Afterwards, Me and Sarah went to my room. Tyler was there too, "Hi, who are you?" He questioned. "I'm Sarah. We have a lot of stuff to tell you." She was about to call Luka until I saw something unusual on my table.  Drugs. It was drugs. Such as heroin, magic mushrooms and cocaine. What the FUCK were they doing there?? I heard a gasp from Sarah. "WHY THE FUCK DO YOU HAVE DRUGS ON YOUR TABLE??? SO YOURE A DRUGGIE?? FUCKING HELL?" She spoke, angrily, I don't even know why they were there. "I did not put them there??" I stated. "YEAH SURE YOU DID, FUCK YOU BOTH, FUCKING WEIRDOS!" Sarah slammed my door shut, I am disappointed in myself, I didn't even explain that i didnt put them there.

Sarah's POV:

Okay, I know that Nora, Ellie and Beatrix are in the wrong, but are you having a laugh?? There was fucking DRUGS on this dudes table. I can't even support him for this?? Also, if hes really that bad, he's probably cheating on Tyler. Because all druggies are cheaters, very problematic.

I had to go and tell the girls what happened. They will NOT like this.

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