Chapter 10 - Ellie and Nora's knockout/finale??

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Sarah's POV:

Today me and my friends are going to visit Nora and Ellie in hospital, although our homeroom teacher has to come with us.

I feel so bad for Nora, I'm such a shit person for that. But did she deserve that?? Like she and Ellie are in hospital in another country, I don't even know what hospitals in Europe are like.

"Sarah, It'll be alright, I promise you had your reasons." Beatrix comforted, I knew she was genuine about the whole situation. "If you want I can explain the whole stalking and crime situation??" She offered. "Yes, yes please." I was too scared to say it myself, so I'm glad she's doing it for me.

We were waiting for the bus, and after like 20 minutes it came. I sat next to Beatrix and she kissed me on the cheek saying, "It'll be alright."

When we arrived at the hospital Beatrix went over to our homeroom teacher and had to tell him everything.

After she explained, she told me that our teacher was going to have a firm talk to them after they come out of their coma, and their actions may lead to suspension.

Finally, people started noticing the people they are. They are very bad people as of right now, Beatrix and I told Flora and Celine about everything and they were really shocked. "So like, they hid illegal shit in their rooms all because they couldn't be with them?? Thats proper MAD.." Flora laughed.

When we were in their hospital rooms, they looked very unwell. "We will be doing a scan on the inside of their bodies soon, because we are still searching for the problems." The nurse explained. All of us were worried sick, even I was!! And I witnessed it, I was just too scared to admit it.

Half an hour later, the nurse recieved the results. He then explained that there was a drug in both of their bodies, 95% sure it was acid. They have a high chance on surviving luckily and are supposed to wake up soon apparently. I really hope their okay, because what if they were drugged??

Two minutes later, Flora asked if she could go to the bathroom, she nudged Celine, "I am on my period," Then she walked out.

Flora's POV:

I am fucking pissed, I hate everyone around me so much. I have hid a gun in Tylers room (dont ask me how i snuck into his room),  nobody can find it and I am going to get it because I have had enough, I am going to KILL Tyler and Onceler. Trust me, I have murdered people before.

When I arrived back at the hotel, I saw the both of them, "Well well well, look who it is!! Hello!!" I greeted. They both said hi back. "Hey Tyler, I got told that you have a cool room, can we see it??" I asked. "Yeah, sure." He agreed. I am fucking WINNING in life!!!

We are in his room, "How's things?" I greeted in a friendly voice. I rushed into their bathroom, "Come on, I need to tell you guys something!" I persuaded them, they are so fucking gullible. They don't even know theyre gonna die soon.

I locked the door, and I smiled. "You guys are fucking pricks and This WILL be your last monents, since theres no cameras in here. You have no escape." They both looked so scared as I held my gun in front of both of them. "You aint fucking doing this." Onceler screamed, Tyler was just crying and shaking. I pulled the trigger, and Tyler flooded to the floor and didnt move, I think he is dead. Onceler tried fighting me, but ended up losing and he dropped to the floor too. I left them because I think theyre dead at this point.

30 minutes later

Sarah's POV:

Flora finally came back, "How was everything?? Have they awoken yet??" She asked. "No, not yet, they are meant to awake in 10 minutes." The nurse announced. I let out a small smile.

10 minutes later,

Flora was begging for them to wake up, and they finally did. Ellie looked around, "Where am I?? The last place I remember being was at the school bathroom cubicles.." She wondered, and Nora said, "Why are we even here??" "You got knocked out by someone we don't know, and Ellie passed out." Beatrix explained. "When?? Werent we at school??" Nora asked, with confusion.

"I think both of them mustve been drugged, or injuged. if they dont remember," Celine added, they must've been drugged because there was drugs seen in their body. "According to what it says, the acid drugs wore off two days ago." The nurse confirmed, so they WERE drugged.

The nurse gave them pills to help them remember what happened, the effect would work after 15 minutes.

15 minutes later,

"Now I remember, I think. I remember being drugged by someone, I think it was someone here." Ellie remembered, we have no idea who drugged them?? How did it even happen ???? "I remember that too, I don't even remember what happened after. I just dont remember who drugged us." Nora said.

There was a huge investigation to see who drugged them, but no evidence was there for anyone.

I don't know who to suspect, who could it be?? I went over to Nora and Ellie and asked if they know Onceler and Tyler. "Who are they??" Ellie questioned. So they don't know, "Let me show you" I told them. So we went into Tyler's room, and looked for them, until we found them, dead. I screamed, and sobbed "WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK??" I shouted. "I don't know who these people were so I never liked them but I am TRAUMATISED??" Nora retorted. Ellie nodded.

So much is going on today?? I had to let everyone know.

Since it was an emergency, we had to return to America. I want to say those were the craziest 2 weeks of my life, as we are still investigating who killed Onceler and Tyler and who drugged Ellie and Nora.

Well, the trip in Greece was trauma, but it's something I will never forget. I love you all !!

- Sarah Jones <3

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