Principal's office

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(Still Kevin's pov ) :

After the relaxing bath of two hours i came out with Just a towel wrapped around my waist and one around my neck drying my hair's roughly walking inside the open closet i stood in front of the mirror looking at my reflection, removing the towel from my neck keeping it on the centre table I stared at the mirror.

" You promised yourself, that you won't think or do any type of sexual thing in future!!! "
I said leaning towards the mirror looking at the person who was looking at me . Who was none other than
' me , myself ' .

" Does she have such an effect on you , that you broke a years ago promise?? , If you did !!! Then she might be something more than just your likeness right ? "
I asked myself,

Standing there for some seconds , i thought to myself..... is she really more than just a likeable person to me ?? I walked past it to the closet took some sweat pants and wore it .... And went out of the closet .

Standing in my balcony, i was in deep thought revising the moments the time we spent together and remembering again for the nth time what I did an hour ago , made me furious thinking how could I think so dirty about her !!! How will I face her tomorrow?? Walking back and forth lazily yet restlessly my mind kept thinking about only one thing.. And the words I said to myself some time ago.

" Am i in love ? "

I said loudly this time where for a long time my heart was shouting silently.

" But , i cannot love anyone... When I don't even know what love is , how can I conclude that love ?, I cannot just name our relationship as ' love relationship ' just because I want her , or miss her .... Every now and then, not every single second ..But what if it isn't love ? What if we start a relationship but I don't feel like being in it anymore??. It's not like I'll leave her in the middle of anything, but i cannot just be in a fake relationship when I don't feel like it ?? I think it's Just a mere attraction or sexual tension between us? Right ?? Yeahh Kevin ?. Is that it ???..... What the hell why are you asking me ?? I don't know anything!! ...."

I said frustrated standing there resting my hands on my hips confused as hell !!! I sighed in confusion and went inside the room and into the covers.

"Let's see if I can sleep well "
i said and closed my eyes.

Next morning.

Ann Pov :

" Okay I'm leaving.... Bye "

"Byee kitten"
Len shouted from inside.

Saying my goodbyes to Len and Angel i went inside the car and drove off to the college.

Talking about yesterday? . Let's say not a single second went where i didn't think about us . 'kevin and me ' and what all happened yesterday. His secret, our day out !!.. it still makes me smile thinking about it , but as the memories rewind the last night scene also get reminded how I was checking out him and how i embarrassed myself and the hug last night?? .... I didn't know that a hug wouldn't let me sleep the whole night , thinking about how it felt and what happened already made me blush and close my legs in embarrassment.

Yupppp when i hugged him suddenly last night, i didn't know that he was aroused and his junior was awake!!.,

" Damn he was f*cking HORNY???!!!..... unbelievable!! But what did I do to make him so needy ?? . "

I blushed at the thought of feeling his crotch against my stomach last night , at first i was surprised at the fact of how hard it was soo i pulled away from hug , and said our goodbyes ready to leave when he pulled me for a F*CKING TIGHT HUG!!! Where i clearly, I say clearly felt his boner .. ... Just because of him I was horny last night and had to do what all people do when they get needy . Wait not s*x YET !!! just masterbation, damn i hate my uterus i always cum soo f*cking fast !!

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