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At the principal office .

I was sitting in one chair and that bitch on another, and those two minions were standing at our back and we were facing the Head Master .

"So , who started it first .... Be truthful I have things recorded " she looked at our faces and continued again." And some real proofs Also, Miss Rebecca and Miss Blake "

I waited for her to start but she wasn't ready to say anything soo .. i said .

" May i Mam ??. I have my class in 10 minutes so"
I asked .

" If you're so concerned about attending the class , you wouldn't have misbehaved miss Ann "
she said Sternly , i gulped ...

" I know Mam , but she was the one who started -"
I was cut off .

" What ??.. no-"
that bitch interrupted but the principal signalled her to stop by showing her palm .

" Isn't she talking??? will have your chance too " she said to her .

" So I was saying that ,.. when I was passing by the corridors........ "

And i said everything about what she did , the principal checked the camera for whether I was telling the truth or not , but it was the fact . It did showed the same what I said but just what I planned the principal thought that i apologise bending my head little when I just looked at her shoes that's all , but even after i apologized she bullied me ... That's the conclusion the principal came with , i don't have any problem with their assumptions... And i didn't lie too , it's their assumptions and it doesn't concern me at all . So I thanked her and walked out but not before getting a last warning and a guardians meeting with the principal of that bitch and a week suspending for abusing and bullying the students and guess what , she's a new student who just came this year that was two months ago .. IDC about her. unless she does some circus tricks on me ....... I sigh , thinking what a perfect morning I had, looking at my watch I ran to my class because I was 3 minutes late ....

" May i come in Sir ??"
I asked standing at the door.

" yes ,Sure please get in ."
He allowed.

"Thank you Sir"
i said and sat on the bench which was empty near ..the door , in the first row .

After finishing my classes it was now lunch period, when I was about to go out my name was called from behind...

" Miss Blake"

I turned around to see none other than Willy, hands in his pocket looking at me emotionlessly like always but Suddenly he came closer with his long legs, cupping my face .

"Who did this? "
He asked looking at my face .

"Wha-.... Ahhh the marks ? "
I removed his hand from my face and moved back a little.

"Don't worry, that's nothing.... Let's go have our lunch , you know Len didn't come today he said he has to -"
I was cut off .

"I don't care about others, and what do you mean by it's nothing?? How did this happen and who did this ?" He asked .

I don't know why but , William acts selfish sometimes.... what does he mean by 'others' Len is my best friend, and if he wants to be friends with me he has to respect my friends too .... his behaviour is really making a different image of him in my mind now . The other day too at the restaurant? He literally acted like an a**hole , i really don't know why .. sometimes he's good , sometimes he's like ' i don't care ' type .
Hypocrite idiot.

"Len isn't 'Anybody' , he is someone I care about more than myself.... So if you want my respect, respect him first "
i said and was about to go when he held my wrist, damn he and his wrist holding techniques to stop me ..

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