Anne's Room

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Authors POV:

After sitting in the same position, Kevin was in his own thoughts.... like what actually happened, for her to move out over night. He wanted to ask but he would keep quiet if it hurt her to explain it .... for Kevin Nothing matters in the whole world than love , care and respect for her . He wanted to tear everyone of them who let her shed tears but for her he'll keep quiet for now.. though he was broken from inside ,who wouldn't be ? Who wouldn't be sad when your first love rejects you .... everyone has felt that , everyone has fallen in love , Ann has felt that ,Kevin has felt that ... William has felt that ... Len , angel their parents... you , me everyone has their someone , who they like to cherish and love differently . Just the difference is . Some hide their love for someone , some show their love by confessing to their love . Some get accepted, some get rejected. But that doesn't mean our life ends if someone rejects you . Might be someone waiting for you . Who'll love you as much more as you love your love . But that doesn't mean if your love is accepted, there isn't a certainty that they'll end up together in future too ... might get apart. But what we mean is ..... life isn't that useless or cheap to end or cry on one thing ?? . If you don't move from a particular point which hurts you ,you won't even know, your happiness may have come and gone past you . You won't ever know . At least we should try moving or living for the person we love , and that's what Kevin decided that night . He would try his best , to show his love care and support until her mister arrived .He decided he won't leave her side , especially when she's alone and broken. Not in this state. Wiping his eyes off , he sniffed before taking her head slowly from his shoulder and placing it back on the pillow. Putting her legs on the bed , he removed her jacket placing it aside, turning on the heater. He pulled the quilt on her covering her well and properly. Removing the hair from her face he caressed it so delicately. Leaving a peck on her forehead he whispered slowly " everything will be alright, I'm here right ?? " He looked at her so lovingly like anybody would say that he's madly in love with her. He got up from the bed , walking near the window and he closed it thinking she would catch a cold and pulling the curtains close . He took the apartment keys with him and walked out not forgetting to close the door slowly.

On his way down when he was about to go out towards the parking space. He stopped on his foot , thinking about something.... he walked near the guard who was walking back and forth. He asked

" excuse me, can i know where the office is ??? "

the guard looked at him suspiciously but pointed is hand towards the ground floor where a board was latched to the wall saying ' direction to the office ' he thanked the guard even if he was a little rude ... going Across the silent corridors he feared nothing . After all he was born and brought up solely and facing a lot of more scary things than a dark place . Reaching the Office he knocked where a voice echoed allowing him to enter, as he entered the person said to take a seat and he did .

" yes ? How may we help you ??"
The person asked .

" erm ... I wanted to Pay the lease"
He said .

" sorry , But it isn't the date "
The person said referring to the date which is fixed the same for everyone.

" I know..... Actually One of my .... My friend lives here , she just moved today and I wanted to ........ surprise her , yeahh surprise her by paying her lease so , i would like to do that ."
Kevin said , hesitated .

" ahhh erm .. Name please and apartment number. "
The person asked.

" Anne Blake. I don't really know the apartment number soo "

" that's alright. Just a min "
the person clicked some buttons on his Pc and after a minute he asked Kevin some questions to specify if it's the right person? .

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