Chapter 387 - All Out

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Rays of gold seeped into Xu Yucheng at an alarming rate, mixing with the darkness of his frail body and sending his muscles into a spasm. He collapsed onto the ground. 

A moment later, Xie Xie sank to the floor as well. A beam of light enveloped his body and transported him out of the arena. His complexion could rival snow and pain seared every inch of his body, but a proud smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

If it were a one-on-one battle with more space to move around, it would have taken much longer to decide the battle. However, this was a team event! As such, he had succeeded in taking out Xu Yucheng! 


A thundering explosion. Xie Xie flew backwards in the air and collided with the arena’s barrier. He groaned, blood seeping out of his nose and mouth. 

“You’re too weak,” said Yuanen Yehui, cold enough to freeze. 

Xie Xie gritted his teeth as he struggled to stand. Without a word, he charged at her. 

This scene had played out countless times. His body had long since been littered with bruises and lacerations. But not once did he relent. No matter how tattered he was, he would push himself back on his feet and launch his body at Yuanen Yehui. He neither complained about the pain nor did he hesitate in the face of more. Futile as it was, Xie Xie refused to back down. 

Indeed, he didn’t stop. Not until his body was completely drained of strength. Not until he collapsed and his shaking limbs were numb and lame.  However, at this point he couldn’t even curl his pinky finger anymore.

As Yuanen Yehui approached him, the way she looked at him changed. “Why are doing this?” 

“I want to help my friends win the tournament. I have to go all out,” croaked Xie Xie. “The only way I can grow strong enough is by learning from you.” 

“If you’re prepared to give it your all, then…” 


In the span of a moment, a wheel of ice materialized and zipped toward Xu Yucheng without making a sound. The timing was impeccable, as expected from Xu Xiaoyan. 

Silver light flashed around Xu Yucheng as Luo Guixing finally used Spatial Retreat. Although Yang Nianxia was only ten meters away from Xu Yucheng, that was ten meters too far! He would never have made it in time to save their weakened teammate, and Luo Guixing couldn’t afford to sit idly as he was eliminated. 

The second Xu Yucheng disappeared to safety, a furious hiss filled the air. Tang Wulin’s punch sent Wu Siduo flying. Then golden vines shot out of the ground to impale her. 

Although Wu Siduo was an agility-type, it was impossible for her to evade this attack! Her only option had been to defend herself with an attack of her own. But to her surprise, the golden bluesilver grass was extraordinarily tough and left no openings. If she wasn’t careful, then she would be restrained. Faced with these obstacles, Wu Siduo had no choice but to use her third soul skill, Hell Slash, and breakthrough by force! 

Before she could activate it, however, a golden strand of grass had struck her from behind. On the other hand, the grass that had attempted to shackle her movement retreated, evading her Hell Slash. She thrust out her palms and switched her martial soul. White Tiger Diamond Transformation! Letting out a beastly roar, Wu Siduo flipped around to swipe at her pursuers, Tang Wulin and Gu Yue. 

Gu Yue hurled her signature ice spear composed of ice, fire, and wind. Upon release, the fire component exploded and accelerated the icicle to breakneck speeds. Following that, the wind component kicked in and sped it up even further! 

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