Chapter 528 - Mu Ye

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Zhen Hua broke into a sharp grin. “Looks like someone wants me dead!” 

The Chef lowered his head in thought, hand cupping his chin. “They’re powerful too. The assassin was able to draw on their own blood essence to strengthen their soul power. I can’t even guess what their martial soul was. It’s strange. Really strange.” 

“Could they be an evil soul master?” Tang Wulin asked, breaking his silence.

“An evil soul master?” Zhen Hua, the Chef, and Zhanggong Yan crossed eyes the moment they blurted these words simultaneously. 

“Hmm. Maybe,” the Chef continued. “If it’s an evil soul master, then that would explain everything. They’ve become active in recent years, launching a whole slew of terrorist attacks across the continent. I can’t believe they would target you, Zhen Hua, when they are under heavy scrutiny by the Federation. That they dare to must point to someone powerful pulling the strings for them in the shadows.”

“I think I might have a clue,” Zhanggong Yan said. “That Ning Fengzhi guy had a particularly chilling aura. There was definitely something off about him.”

Zhen Hua’s smile spread wide, a predatory grin. “Excellent! An evil soul master! I haven’t fought an evil soul master before.” He turned to the Chef. “You can speak with Wulin about the previous matter now. I need to handle this assassination attempt first.” 

The Chef looked him straight in the eye before he nodded. Turning to Tang Wulin, he said, “Come with me to the dining hall. Just you.”

“Okay.” Tang Wulin sent Gu Yue an apologetic glance, sure to take in her answering smile prior to going off on his way. 

He was filled with anticipation for this private meeting now that he had caught a glimpse of the Chef’s true power. This was a man that stood at the summit! A Titled Douluo with a godly red-grade mecha! His strength could earn him a position as an elder in Sea God’s Pavilion. 

Upon returning to Zhen Hua’s private dining hall, the Chef exhaled, expelling soul power that formed a thin green barrier around them.

Tang Wulin looked at the membrane curiously. It were as if they were in a gigantic bubble. Is this a high-level soul power technique? 

“Uncle, I still don’t know how to address you.” Tang Wulin cautiously said.

“My name is Mu Ye. You can just call me Uncle Ye,” Mu Ye said with a chuckle.

“Yes, Uncle Ye!” And with that, Tang Wulin brought his charms, flashing the sweet smile that had won over so many elders. 

“You’re probably wondering why I wanted to speak to you privately. Well, what I’m about to say is something I’ve considered for a long time and only decided on recently. I’ll cut to the chase. I want you to inherit my legacy. More specifically, I want you to inherit the legacy of my sect.” 

For a split second, Tang Wulin stood speechless. He coughed. “Uncle Ye, what do you mean?” 

Tang Wulin already had three teachers for blacksmithing, four if he counted his uncle-master, Zhen Hua. For cultivation, there were Wu Zhangkong and Zhuo Shi. Now he was being hunted by another teacher. 

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