Chapter 484 -The Chipped-tooth Man

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All who remained on the working student dormitory grounds were Yuanen Yehui and Xie Xie, the former in her room and the latter still loitering in the courtyard. 

Xie Xie stared holes at her door, biting his lip and clenching his fist. Wulin is right. There’s a chance if I try, but none if I sit around moping! He steeled his resolve, walked to the door, and knocked. 

“Yuanen, I washed your clothes for you. They’re hanging to dry in the courtyard. You can go grab them later.” Caution peppered his voice. 

Not a sound was heard from within the room. Several moments later, Xie Xie spoke again. “Yuanen, Captain went to get some food. We’re the only ones left here now. Can I talk to you? I want to be honest.” 

“Screw off!” 

Xie Xie winced at first, but immediately settled with slapping his cheeks twice. Determination glinted in his eyes. “I’ll just say it from here then. The first time I saw you naked, I was stunned. I didn’t see anything clearly, and before I knew it I was beaten into a pulp by you. But if there was one thing I realized at that moment, it was that you were a girl. So I decided to help you clean the place every day. Sweep the floor, wash the windows, dust things off. I didn’t know what else I could do for you.” 

Inside her room, Yuanen Yehui’s rage burned hotter as Xie Xie began his monologue. The longer she listened, however, the more she surrendered to an unseen force, standing up from her bed and staring at the door in a daze.

“Then helping you clean the dorm just became a habit for me. I felt uneasy whenever I couldn’t tidy up. Honestly, I don’t regret what happened. If not, I wouldn’t have known that you’re a girl. You’re so beautiful. Being ignorant of that would be the greatest mistake of my life, and I’ll gladly receive any punishment to avoid it.

“Later on, I came to understand that my habit wasn’t tied to cleaning. It was just an excuse to see you every day. My heart ached on the days I couldn’t. It’s for that same reason I returned early to campus.” He sighed. “Originally, the plan was to show you guys how much stronger I got when I came back after cultivating earnestly at home. But I just couldn’t focus. I could never bring my mind off Shrek. I wanted to return as soon as possible the entire time. I’ve only realized the truth recently. I didn’t miss Shrek. I missed you. 

“I’m sorry! I’m sorry for peeping on you again! But I really didn’t do it on purpose. And I really only got a glimpse. Although I did get a clearer look than the time before, it was still only a glimpse.”

Yuanen Yehui couldn’t bear it anymore. Her fury bubbled out of her throat, “Go to hell!” 

Xie Xie coughed, then continued, “I shouldn’t have seen it, but as a man, I feel responsible. So let me take responsibility for you. Yuanen, please marry me. Be my wife, won’t you?” 

Silence descended. Xie Xie’s heart raced, so much that he could hear it pounding in his ears. He swallowed. “Yuanen, I think we’re quite a match while you’re in your normal form. I think I’m pretty handsome too. We’re still young though, so we can just get engaged for now. I can get approval from my family at this moment, and then we can get married for real after we graduate. I promise to take responsibility and take care of you.” 

The door burst open. Yuanen Yehui stomped out. 

At last, Xie Xie saw a beautiful smile on her lips. Even with her eyes red and swollen, there was no denying the beauty of her smile. 

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