Chapter 497 - You Made It?

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Gu Yue watched Tang Wulin eat in silence, a faint smile on her lips. After every finished plate, she swiftly replaced it with a new one. They sat close to the academy gates lost in their own little world.

A while later, all of the food in the three boxes was gone, swept within Tang Wulin.  

“Are you full?” Gu Yue asked, eyeing his barely bulging stomach, his capacity to eat more still  apparent.

Tang Wulin nodded. “Yeah. There weren’t many dishes, but they were all very filling! Where did you even get all that? Must have cost a small fortune.”

Gu Yue’s smile grew a crack wider. “I made them. All of them. I’ve been practicing how to cook at home. I think I did pretty well, judging by how good everything smelled.” 

“You really cooked all those dishes by yourself?” Tang Wulin’s eyes went wide. For people like them, students of Shrek Academy, time was their most valuable resource. Yet Gu Yue had spent her vacation learning how to cook for his sake. 

Warmth washed over him. He looked her straight in the eye. Just giving his thanks was not enough, could not be enough to begin expressing his gratitude. 

He stood up and helped her tidy up the boxes, then stored them into his storage ring. “Let’s go,” he said, beckoning to her. 

The two walked back to the dormitory shoulder-to-shoulder, enjoying the evening air. The moon shone bright in the sky, meeting the street in a soft spray, peeking through the branches of the trees. Neither Gu Yue or Tang Wulin spoke a word. 

In Tang Wulin’s heart, Gu Yue felt different from before. Something had changed since the last time he saw her. After spending the last month hard at work cultivating, and even reuniting with Na’er, he had felt worried when Gu Yue had failed to appear. Then she returned, and joy flooded his heart. He had never experienced anything like it. 

A single glance, and Tang Wulin was treated with a spectacular sight. Moonlight shimmered around Gu Yue, accentuating her delicate features. While she wasn’t the most beautiful of girls, at that moment, he was enchanted. 

“What are you looking at?” Gu Yue asked, aware of his heated gaze. 

Tang Wulin smiled. “You.” 

Gu Yue blinked. “I’m not that pretty. What’s there to look at?”

“That’s where you’re wrong. You are pretty,” Tang Wulin said, his smile growing bigger. 

Gu Yue knit her brows together, lowering her head in thought. She clenched her fists, then slowly unclenched them. They kept silent and resumed their trek to their dormitory. 

“Big Sis Gu Yue!” Xu Xiaoyan had called out to them the moment she saw them, dragging Gu Yue into the girls’ room. 

But Tang Wulin had other ideas. Once standing at the center of the dormitory courtyard, Tang Wulin shouted, “Everybody! Please come out for a moment! I have something important to talk about!”

Xu Xiaoyan, Gu Yue, and Ye Xinglan immediately left their room. Xie Xie and Xu Luzhi also responded, rushing out of the room meant for the boys. To Tang Wulin’s surprise, even Yuanen Yehui and Yue Zhengyu left the comfort of their rooms. Though he probably shouldn’t have been too shocked. Yuanen Yehui did slightly warm up to him after he had delivered the spirit alloy to her. Of course, that was only with Tang Wulin. Her attitude hardly changed toward Xie Xie. 

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