Chapter 527 - Enemy Traces

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But before the red blur reached the crowd, someone snatched it out of the air. Held in place, the object was now easily discernable: a double-edged sword, slender and scarlet. In the next instant, it disappeared, leaving only the savior of the crowd. The chef. 

Then he disappeared too, off to pursue the assassin. 

Feeling a rush of wind, Tang Wulin turned around to see Zhen Hua now clad in magnificent four-word battle armor. The mighty aura he emitted crushed everyone in the hall with the weight of an ocean. 

“Nobody move!” Zhen Hua ordered, directing the weight of his aura to suppress Zhanggong Yan. 

The assassination attempt was clearly planned. It had happened all too suddenly, too quickly, for him to react. Without Gu Yue’s timely intervention, he would have been dead now. That sword carried enough power to kill him without his battle armor equipped, and only a Hyper Douluo could have prepared such a weapon! Not only that, but the assassin couldn’t be wearing battle armor either, otherwise he would have noticed the uncontrollable aura of power and brought his guard up. 

Zhen Hua’s mind reeled at first from the initial shock of his brush with death, but it was quickly consumed by his flaring rage as he recognized the reality of the situation. His wrathful aura forced the crowd to kneel in submission. 

Zhanggong Yan pulled Lin Yuhan behind him, thrusting his arms out in an effort to protect her. Two yellow, two purple, and four black soul rings rose up around him, revealing his status as an eight-ringed Soul Douluo. But he was nothing before a four-word battle armor master. His show of strength only allowed him to stand a bit straighter. Clear to the eye was how he restrained himself. How he held back from equipping his own battle armor. 

“President Zhen Hua.” Zhanggong Yan’s tone was firm but respectful. 

Zhen Hua drew back some of the pressure emanating from him. 

But the blacksmiths in the crowd had other ideas. “Execute them!” they screamed in frenzy. They were out for the blood of any who would dare to assassinate their illustrious president. Killing the only living Divine Blacksmith would be an unforgivable act, for without a Divine Blacksmith, creating four-word battle armor was impossible. For this reason, while the assassination attempt had struck fear into the crowd’s heart, their fury burned hotter. Zhen Hua was a mentor to all blacksmiths, his dazzling skills inspiring them all to reach for greater heights. 

Zhanggong Yan pressed his lips tight together as he stared down Zhen Hua. Any explanation he had would be useless. He was the one to pose this challenge, and the assassin had taken this opportunity to strike. 

“You’re from a Blacksmith’s Association on one of the other continents, aren’t you?” Zhen Hua asked, sneering. 

Zhanggong Yan felt his heart race.

Apart from Douluo, there were also the continents of Star Luo and Heaven Dou. The hostility shared between the continents was no secret. If not for the oceans separating them, they would likely be embroiled in all-out war. Still, there were plenty of minor conflicts to go around. On the list of people who wanted Zhen Hua dead, the rulers of the other two continents sat at the top. 

 With his origins identified, Zhanggong Yan lost all hopes of weaseling his way out. How did it come to this? 

“It wasn’t us!” Lin Yuhan poked her head out from behind her master and locked eyes with Zhen Hua in defiance. 

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