Chapter 1

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Okay guys so this book is a collab with the amazing itsmargi she will be doing the older sister Ana's pov while I do Izzy pov I hope u all like it!!

Even with and umbrella and a raincoat on, the freezing cold water drips down my back, soaking my clothes. Its a cold rainy day in December. Exactly a week after the brutal death of my parents. Just the thought makes me tighten my grip in my sisters hand. Isabella hasn't spoken much since the police called us after finding the bloody remains of our parents just on the outskirts of the town. The auto tone mumbling of the pastor snaps me back into reality."...they shall be missed by everyone. The world is a darker place without Sarah and Allen Valkov. I would like to ask the family to come up and say their goodbyes." He says shooting a glance over at me. I nod and take a deep breath and start to walk towards the coffin, almost dragging my sister behind me. We stop infront of the coffin. The shiny cherrywood of both of the coffins looks like, blood. I start to cough and then look over at my sister. She is staring blankly at the coffins. "Bye Mom," I whisper laying a rose down on the first coffin. "Bye dad." I choke laying a second rose on his coffin.A single tear rushes down my cheek as my sister does the same. I look away as what is left of our parents is lowered into the ground, forever gone.

____________________________________________________________________________________I through my keys down on the table as I shrug off my wet raincoat. I stomp over the refrigerator. They say that anger is the second stage of grief. Well, I feel angry."Anger so soon." A voice says from the shadows of the kitchen. I jump my heart pounding in my chest. I grab a knife from the counter and spin around. My uncle is sitting in a chair next to the table."Uncle Dawson." I grumble. "What a surprise." I say, resisting the urge to slap him."You missed the funeral." I say crossing my arms. He nods."I am sorry." He says. "I had business to attend to." I snort and shake my head."What is more important then family, I am curious." I say, glaring at him. This isn't the first time he has showed up expectantly."Your future." He replys smirking at me."Which is not in your hands. I am 18 years old." I reply, returning the smirk. He just laughs, fueling my anger."Your sister isn't though and being that you just tuned 18 you are not legal to be her guardian. I glare at him."You won't take my sister." I growl, He just nods his head."It will be for her own good." He says. Confusion sweeps over me."Just what are you planning?" I say."You and your sister will be attending boarding school.""THE HELL WE WILL." I shout, slamming my palms on the table. He shoots up out of his chair."You have no choice in the matter. I am your sisters guardian so she does what I want her too and we both know that you are too attached to your sister to let her attend boarding school on her own. Also you and your sister may have your differences and different ways of dealing with death but you have more in common with each other than you know." He yells. I flinch back. The anger residing into sheer panic."Why boarding school? And what boarding school?" I ask. He just smirks again."All in good time." He says. I glare again. My uncle is right. I won't leave my sister, ever. And no matter what sick twisted game my uncle is thinking up I refuse to play it and become entangled with the web of lies I know my family has.I here a noise behind me. My sister stands in the doorway staring wide eyed at my uncle. She is probably very confused. She looks at me looking for an explanation. I turn back to my uncle who is looking at me with a slight smirk. I sigh and turn back to my sister."Pack your bags."

### BELLA'S POV###

I stood in the door as what had just been said sunk in. We were going to boarding school. Like losing my parents wasn't enough i was being ripped away from everything i knew and what i grew up with. I think that the moment that it clicked in my mind my reaction was the most reasonable. I ran out the door, into the rain and ran towards the forest. I ran and ran and didn't stop until i collapsed by the little pond i had discovered lang ago.

I sat by a tree and screamed, i screamed about us leaving, about how pissed i was at my parents for abandoning my sister and i,i screamed at my uncle, i screamed at everything. when i finally stopped i heard my sister screaming my name."BELLA,BELLA,BELLA, WHERE ARE YOU!" her screams echoed through the woods as her feet snapped the twigs under her feet i could here her approaching. as she paid no mind to the twigs under her feet warning me she was coming.

i thought about running but i didnt , i was to tiered, im tiered of people leaving, i was tiered of living. This world was a lonley dandurace place and i think whats important to remeber is you have to find the biggest kid on the play ground and make friends. And right now i need to find the biggest kid so that nothing like this ever happens agian. Its time for a change. I ran from my spo.t to the house and walked to my uncle.

" When do we leave?" i asked.

He had a triumphant smile on his face happy that he was getting his way. " 7 am tomorrow." he answered. with that i ran upstairs and grabbed my keys and headed out of the door, and got in my car. I drove to the nearest wall greens and purchased some hair dye. then i drove to the mall. my original plan was to get some new clothes but after going to all my favorite stores i was drawn into icings and when i walked out i had a nose piercing.

I walked out of the mall and drove home. The conclusion i have come to is this, kill or be killed. I have decided it is time for a change. As soon as i got home i ran up to the bathroom and started the process of dying my hair. The box said to wait about and hour.


i rinsed out my hair until the water was running clear. At which point i put my hair in a towel and walking into my room, Which looked as if it was vacant due to the fact that i had packed everything. I glanced at the clock and noticed it was dinner time. When mom was still here she would call us down at 6'clock sharp and we would have to sit at the table for a half hour and talk to each other. I used to hate having to do that now i would kill for the chance. Now dinner was a cycle of various delivering fast food, tonight was pizza. I walked down stairs and to the living room where Annalisa was sitting on the couch eating pizza and watching teen wolf. She turned around to look at me and gasped.

"who are you and what have you done with Bella?!!" she said.

" im Izzy and Bella is buried with her parents." i said taking the towel out of my hair revealing my jet black hair. She looked me up and down then turned back around. i couldn't tell what she was thinking.

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